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November 11, 2006


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People that I know are oh so musical. I maybe missing something in life by not knowing and following music. There is much to be said for an activity that so many people care about. However, I did up date a Beatles record with a CD the other week. That is a big musical step for me.

I love that song!! My favorite though is the Mariah Carey "All I Want for Christmas is you." Even the video is good...it has Mariah rolling around in the snow, looking all cute--totally cheesy--it was Mariah before she tried to bring sexy back.

I can't wait to see what some people classify as both "cheesy" and "love songs". Frema, mine is ready to be burned!! I'm psyched!

"Last Christmas" is unfortunately, more than I can bear. It is cheesy to an extreme. Thankfully, you made it alright out of your childhood. Haha.

Oh man--I would SO love to do the CD exchange, but I'm afraid I'd turn into That Girl. You know, the one who never got around to mailing the CDs?
Either that or the CDs would be sticky with peas, carrots, prunes, or worse...!
However, I'd consider hiring a babysitter just to participate!

"Last Christmas" by WHAM is totally a cheesy love song. TOTALLY!

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