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November 03, 2006


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I look forward to your updates detailing success! GOOD for you. Lord knows I don't have the willpower to do such things. Before I met my husband, I went to the gym each day after work. I loved it, just used the treadmill, but I loved doing something. My husband was doing his own thing. Since the day we met, neither of us has attempted anything like it. Ah well.

That's what I was thinking, "why don't you go before work?". Of course, this is coming from a person that just put her gym membership "on hold" until further notice because I'm too tired in the morning and too tired to go after work.

Man, Frema, you're making me jealous over here! I wanted to join a gym so badly. I know which one I want, and I know that I'll get about 200 bucks back from my health insurance if I keep with it 3x a week.

Frema, think of me, sitting here with my rank pink fiberglass foot propped up under my desk. I would like to work out, was just about to join a gym when I fell. Consider me your own private "starving child in Africa would be happy to have your leftovers" inspiration. :)

Good luck! I bought a gym membership about 3 years ago and I went quite a bit for about, oh, 2 months. I really loved it. Working out made me feel so good afterwards and I even starting taking some of the yoga classes they offered and loooooved them. But, I was a single mom at the time and, even though they had a daycare (I was paying monthly for that too) it still just got too hard to go. I hope you and Luke can stick with it better than me. And, hey, exercising regularly can make be pregnant a lot easier too, another incentive. Great pic by the way.

Love the outfit! And the boots! And NY & Company, with their affordable clothes and tendency to label everything a size smaller than the reality, thus bolstering my ego!

I have the same showering dilemma whenever I work-out (which is...uh, not too often). It's always about my hair, my freaking hair. If I had more angular features I swear I would chop it all off.

as smart as I...not me. :)

Actually, cawfeeguy, a writing professor I had in grad school said that "me" is perfectly acceptable. Maybe he's a radical, but his explanation made sense at the time. Damn if I can remember it now, though.

Goodness, you sound like me. I have had the exact same thoughts about the gym.

I am TOTALLY feeling ya on this: "But then I'd wake up to find the left side matted to my ear in a such a way that no amount of fluffing or spritzing or any other -ings could overcome."
This post made me laugh my head off!

And you look totally HOT in that pic!!

You look great. So I know people have probably said "oh you don't need to go to the health club". However if you go to the health club you will always look like you don't need to go. Does that make sense????

By the way a secret is only a secret if you know it.

I set my alarm for 5:15 so I could get up and go to the gym before work. I hit snooze for an entire 30 minutes before deciding to just skip and go back to sleep. How lame is that?

I should not comment because we do not exercise at all. But a few years back, Daddy D and I were very good about exercising. We had a schedule, and we stuck to the schedule. I have heard and read that scheduling is the secret, and setting aside a specific time for the exercise worked for us. Moreover, being part of a class helped us maintain our schedule. Unfortunately , the only time many busy people have is in the morning at the proverbial crack of dawn.

Good luck.

I fell behind on comments, on only the third day of this month-long Frema fest.

Just have to say, you are Workin. It. You look great! Gym shmim. (That's what my twix bar is telling me riiiight now...)

Crap, my hair has been an everlasting thorn in the side of my exercise-less life! I know where you're coming from.

Best of luck waking up in the morning! I hope you can stick to it.

Good idea ... mornings are fresh. You are right about the evening bed time. The candle can not be on fire at each end for every long. There will be times that it just does not happen, but that is OK. Most days it will work for you.

Good luck Frema! Remember - you've done it before (sorry, read ahead, I'm a few days behind)

Oh, and my Friends OCD makes me tell you that it was Ross, not Joey that went with Chandler to quit the gym...:)

Jessi - You are so right! As the proud owner of all ten DVD box sets, I'm so embarrassed.

Um, have I told you before how stinkin' cute you are? I'm totally jealous of your NY&Co outfit and f-me boots!
I'm so glad you realized that going early in the morning is the way to go. It really is a fabulous time to exercise. It starts your day off right and give it a week or two and you will REALLY notice you have more energy throughout the day. Your body will adjust and getting up in the morning won't be so hard. You will actually look forward to it. Promise. And if you can get used to going to the gym early in the morning this time of year, then when spring arrives, well, 5:00 will seem like 9:00. E-mail me if you need any further encouragement!

Good luck.

(And I think you AND THE BANGS are HOTT!)

You tip 30%? Wow! Of course I know how important your hair is to you - and how you love your Chgo stylist!

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