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November 15, 2006


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I used to exercise before work, at 5 a.m. You're right- getting up is the worst part. After that I kind of enjoyed being out in the world when it was still relatively quiet.:)

Congratulations! Also, Culvers. Mmmmm. I stopped in for a ButterBurger (with cheese! and the works!) and chocolate shake on my way back to Chicago Saturday evening. It's been almost a year since I've been there, and, damn, yo, I'd forgotten just how tasty they are.

You go girl! Two lbs. is excellent. I told you working out in the morning was fabulous. (Or maybe I didn't but I meant to.) The fatigue after lunch thing will get better with time. I promise. Your body will adjust to waking up so early and your energy will increase by the day and before you know it, you won't be tired around 2:00 or so. (But also, yeah, getting to bed before midnight would probably help.)

Congrats on the weight loss! My weigh-in days are on Friday morning so we'll see if I lost anything in a couple of days. Two lbs is great!

woohoo! fabulous job! i, too, have one of those analogue scales. but it was left here in the house when i moved in, so i wasn't going to complain. that was one more thing i didn't have to buy. :)

keep up the great work!

You go! Frema!!!! I'm with you with "eat half the bag of [fill in favorite name of high sugar, high fat treat here] before anyone gets to it. I still don't (can't?) allow Lil' Debbies in the house... Nutty Bars, Oatmeal Pies... I cannot be trusted.

Keep it up G-friend!

2 pounds is great! I have to tell you when I woke up this morning I was excited because it was WLW! You are doing awesome. Keep up the good work.

Way to go! You're doing awesome! Keep up the good work.

Lame comment, eh? Wish I had something more motivational to say.

Yay! I'm so happy for you! I like WLW's! It's also pleasing to know that with enough exercise, one can still lose weight and have the occasional culver's binge. :)

Go Frema go! You can do it!

I say this, of course, after I just finished writing my WLW entry, and my husband showed up with a pound of Fannie Mae. GAHHHH!

Good job! The gym work makes the body burn fuel all the time, not just during the work time. Your are on your way towards your goals. Joy.

Kick some weight loss butt, Frema!!

I'm trying to visit as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can and I thought I'd say hi, I liked your blog.. :) I had deja vu reading it and then I realised someone linked to you and I have been here before.. hehe I agree how can anyone say Family Ties was cheesy? I loved that show.. :)


i find myself sucking in my gut everytime i weigh myself. i know it does nothing, and yet i continue to do it.

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