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November 26, 2006


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Nice to be done, isn't it?

Hummmmm...........Bet I wasn't on THAT list either

love ya anyway..
Aunt Ruthie

A seven day shopping marathon? Woman, that is some serious endurance! I ventured out briefly on Black Friday, but I only impulse purchased myself a new frying pan before running for the exits.

But good on you; finishing the Christmas shopping before December puts you in the 99th percentile of organized consumers!

As you know, the mjd/daddy d combo will not display a tree or do much shopping until late December. I admire your perserverance. We do have a few details that should be taken care of quite soon. Oh well, as Scarlett O'Hara said, in Gone with the Wind "Tomorrow is another day."

Okay, I haven't even started yet. You are my hero.

Wait, is it that time of year again?

I am currently in the exact opposite state of being. The tree is up, the stockings hung, the rooftop lined with lights, but I haven't bought a single gift. I'm still in the "thinking about what to buy" stage.

Three cheers for holiday shopping - and during the busiest weekend of the season, at that!

Throw away your credit card statement. Who needs those nasty ol things anyway?


(Visa will come find you. Pull the statement back out of the trash.)

Oh man. I'm still in the "Buh ... it's that time again?" stage of things.

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Robert Frost

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    - Anne Lamott

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    - Brené Brown