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December 27, 2006


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Holy Cripes friend!! You have great taste in shoes, as always. Bring them all for NYE and we will play dress up. Sant and I can be your Cinderella-ish step-sisters who jam our slightly larger feet into your new digs. On second thought, maybe we will just drink a lot. Ha!

I am totally greeeeen with envy. Oh how I love shoes.

Oh my gosh, those shoes are awesome! I want them all! I will say that those shoes are way more fun than weight loss right after the holidays. Who wants to weigh themselves after Christmas and right before New Years?? Maybe wait a week or two. If you only knew how much I've eatten. It is possible I have you beat.

Oh, I love posts like this. I can live through you! Awesome shoes. So pretty. And even prettier that they were on sale.

(I just got a new pair of RED patent leather Steve Madden's a few weeks ago and I love them so very much.)

Now, let's see you wearing the shoes with their perfect outfits!

Nice shoes. I too was going to say to bring a pair or 2 for New Years Eve. I am not staying overnight, but may just take a pair home with me anyhow! The last pair look really comfy!

Oooohh, very nice. LOVE all your new shoes. You've got excellent taste!

Shoes are just like toys and/or tools. One never has too many. They do the job and help you march into the future.

1. You have incredible taste in shoes. I shall live vicariously through you.

2. You can EAT. And I LOVE you for that. :)

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