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December 04, 2006


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Too funny - about the coins in the toilet. I can't believe they are still there!

Can't wait to see the master list. I know I contributed to the growing list of Celine Dion and Gloria Estefan!

I've received 2 of my cd's and I'm loving every minute of it.


(they will be perfect for my new iPod.)

I can't wait to see the master list--my computer may just combust from the sheer amount of cheese it will contain.

Too bad that coins are not magnetic. That could be the answer to some extra change.

So much for the night cleaning crew, eh friend?

Go ahead and toss a dime into the next stall. Then the next day, another. See if the office gets talking...

how crazy is it that the coins are still there? although, i'm not sure i'd be jumping at the chance to pull money out of a public toilet. i'm cheap, but not THAT cheap. well... i guess it depends on how much money is involved... heh.

Hee. What if somebody could poop quarters? That would be kind of cool.

Messy, but profitable.

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