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January 01, 2007


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I love you!

Oh how nice to read your year in review. It's either your writing skills or true to life, but your sorting sounds so organized and straight forward. It's the same sort of attempt that I make at major annual milestones like my birthday or new years, but that I usually only make it half way through... I've since started writing my thoughts down (hmm, who would have guessed that ingenius approach would make all the difference-- write it down? NO WAY!!)

I hope 2007 is very kind to you and Luke, you sound like 2006 left you in a good place:)

Beautifully said. Happy new year!

Congratulations! It sounds like 2006 has been a wonderful year for you, not always easy, but good even through the hard parts.

The blogging class sounds amazing. I hope the blogging turns into a great WAHM or mostly WAHM career for you.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I love what you wrote about marriage. It wasn't until after we were married that I realized how much anxiety I was walking around with before; marriage enabled me to really kind of settle into myself and my life. I think I've grown more as a person during these one and a half years of marriage than I've ever grown; marriage gave me a lot of courage, in a way.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Frema
I love the opening thought about making choices providing freedom from the path not taken. The goals that you mention are wonderful. "Counting our blessings, every one ,every day," is such a good idea. (Now, if I can remember not to keep track of my woes.)

I hope that 2007 is your best year yet.

What an excellent post. As Sant said, so well organized and thoughtful.

I am so excited to hear about your teaching about blogging. That will be awesome for you - and for the students.

It was so good seeing you at Molly's on Sunday. I seem I know you so well, now, if only from your blog!

Happy 2007 and good luck fulfilling all that you strive for this year!

Teaching about blogging! How fantastic is that!!?? So exciting, congratulations!

And that last resolution is the best one.

happy new year, frema! i hope that 2007 is even better than '06!

What a beautiful post.

I especially like the part about couting your blessings. I think we could all benefit from doing that from time to time.

Here's to a great 2007, baby!

What a beautiful post. I just love your writing...you make me want to be a better blogger :-)

I, too, have internet skin issues, but I am becoming more and more comfortable, even though I have moments where I feel oh so naked. It sounds like some of your 2006 discoveries are very much in line with my 2007 goals. I may need to talk some things through with you in the coming year, especially with the religion thing.

Hmm. A little creeped out that our lives are paralleling each other's. Weird.

Anyway, great goals for 2007. Amazing how much growing up we can do in a year isn't it?

Take care FreTa. ;p

Great entry with great plans!

I'm counting you as one of my blessings. :0)

Wow. Great post Frema... Happy New Year!

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

    "The best way out is always through."
    - Robert Frost

    "Breathe, pray, be kind, stop grabbing."
    - Anne Lamott

    "Mere completion is a rather honorable achievement in its own right."
    - Liz Gilbert

    "When we tell our stories,
    we change the world."
    - Brené Brown