It took me roughly six months to get through a teensy weensy paperback about the politics and trends of blogging. Between work, pregnancy, and my "stories," there was simply no time to read. Or, more accurately, no energy.
So the fact that I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows before my 2:00 doctor's appointment this afternoon is no small feat. But I had no choice.
You all know what I'm talking about; people have been buzzing about this book for weeks. Photocopies of text posted to the Internet. Radio DJs reading chapter excerpts on the air. Assholes who would like nothing better than to ruin the fun for those eagerly awaiting the final installment of J.K. Rowling's magical series about The Boy Who Lived. The morning after the last Sopranos episode aired on HBO, you couldn't click through the stations without running into a news ticker about fan reactions, plot disappointments, etc. I didn't want my experience with this book tainted because some anchor felt like blabbing her mouth.
Luke and I, along with my sister Samantha and her husband Dan, who came for a visit this past weekend, went to the local bookstore near our apartment late Friday night and had books hand by a quarter after twelve. As we left the store, I saw patrons standing off to the side of the entrance, rooted to their spots, their fingers frantically flipping through the last several pages, and I was suddenly terrified they were going to recite the last sentence out loud before jumping into their cars and laughing their crazy heads off as they skidded out of the parking lot.
Luckily, we managed to pile into the Cobalt and zip back home with our literary innocence still in tact. For the rest of the weekend I avoided the computer and the television, and when I arrived at work on Monday, I left my newspaper encased in the plastic yellow sleeve. No way was I putting myself at risk.
Now I am finished (though I don't think I can count my time this morning as "working from home"), and my heart is at peace. I loved the book. I read through it quickly but thoroughly, at a pace that enabled me to really enjoy the Harry Potter experience one last time. Now I can surf the Internet and respond to e-mail without fear. I can prepare for BlogHer 2007, which has me so excited I can hardly sit still. I can treat my raging yeast infection.
Life is good.
So glad you got your book, and I'm impressed that you're through the whole thing already. I've not read any of them, though I hope to someday, maybe with the boys.
Posted by: Molly | July 24, 2007 at 09:02 PM
Wal-Mart was handing out free ear plugs for that very reason. Isn't it pathetic that we have to take such precautions?
Wait, did you say raging yeast infection???
May you be yeast-free again soon, my dear.
Posted by: Brittany | July 24, 2007 at 09:58 PM
Daddy D is in possession of our copy. He is currently reading Chapter 7. Although I feel immune to people giving away the ending, I am looking forward to reading the book soon.
Posted by: mjd | July 24, 2007 at 10:33 PM
you mean the book doesn't include a magical yeast-halting spell?
okay i have to admit i've never read any hp books and kind of don't get it. but i hate spoilers- not for my read-the-last-chapter-of-the-book self, but for others. it's just not nice!
Posted by: Professor Art Nerd | July 25, 2007 at 12:35 AM
HP 7 is on the gift list for my B-day in Oct. I don't think I will be able to make it so long without someone spoiling it for me. Oh well. Apparently my fan-dom only streches so far.
Posted by: VirginiaGal | July 25, 2007 at 09:01 AM
Ha ha, you sound just like my husband! He wouldn't let us go see the new Harry Potter movie because he was afraid that someone would blab the ending of the new book while we were standing in line.
Posted by: Le Petit Chic | July 25, 2007 at 09:09 AM
Here I sit, suffering, wondering if anyone ever mentioned there heinous yeast infections on their blog. And you didn't disappoint Ms. Frema.
Misery loves company. :)
Posted by: takin chances | July 25, 2007 at 12:03 PM
I'm so lucky that I've never had one of these yeast infections you speak of. *knock on wood*
Let's hope it doesn't keep you from enjoying your time in Chicago!!! With me!!! And other women of course.
P.S. I've never read a single HP or seen any of the movies.
Posted by: Carrisa | July 25, 2007 at 12:34 PM
I didn't even dare read the comments before me.
I'm worried that someone in the airport will see me reading the book and spoil it for me. I'm (honestly) thinking of putting a fake book cover on it so nobody knows I'm reading Harry Potter.
I don't want to rush through through the book, but I also don't want it ruined.
Posted by: Isabel | July 25, 2007 at 12:57 PM
Yeah, since "takin chances" up there and I are friends in real life, this makes the second time today I've heard about a raging yeast infection. Thankfully, I've avoided them all summer...even with working out so much. (Fingers crossed/knocking on wood)
I've never read HP. Maybe one day though. I've never seen anything like it though, the craze that is. J.K. Rowling is one lucky, fabulously rich woman.
Posted by: Silly Hily | July 25, 2007 at 01:18 PM
I know EXACTLY what you mean. It's a good thing I'm a speed reader. I finished it Monday night. I was SO afraid of running across the ending.
Now we can talk about it at BlogHer and mourn the ending.
Posted by: CPA Mom and Soccer Mom Angela | July 25, 2007 at 01:54 PM
I have never (knock on every freakin piece of wood I see) had a yeast infection.
Hope you get rid of your's soon!
Posted by: Rachel | July 26, 2007 at 02:03 PM
I didn't want to rush through the book, but felt I had no choice. I had it read within 2 days, just so no one could ruin it for me. I even put on my blog that I would not be on the internet until I was finished reading.... luckily it was only a few days. I'm going to read it again and enjoy it at a normal pace this time around.
But I absolutely LOVED the book! Loved it so very much! :)I heart Harry!
Posted by: Christar | July 26, 2007 at 03:52 PM