If you're reading this post on Friday afternoon sometime after 10:00 a.m. EST, then it looks like TypePad's "Publish On" feature has done its job, because right now I'm not behind a computer at all, but instead finishing up one of my track sessions at BlogHer and probably thinking about lunch, because my God, does this baby get hungry a lot.
Anyway, I'm actually typing this on Thursday morning, at a time when I really should be thinking about the last of my three posts for Parents.com, but it's much easier to type from a notebook than produce original material, so you guys win.
The car ride home was extremely tense. I was torn up inside. First I find out that Katherine was pregnant, then her mother says that Aunt Cassie really isn't my aunt, and finally I realize that my own mother's fooling around with Katherine's dad. I was angery. Nobody was saying a word.
When Mom pulled into the driveway, I jumped out of the car and hurried inside, using my key. I slammed the door in her face and ran to my room, where I locked the door.
"Kyle Hart, open this door right now!"
I ignored her and curled up on my bed.
"I know I'm the last person you want to talk to, but we DO need to talk."
"About what?" I shouted. "My SISTER or your LOVER?"
[Judging by the flippant way he mentioned his newfound connection to his rape victim/love interest, Kyle must not understand the implications of his updated family tree yet. Why else would he be more focused on his mother's affair?]
"Both." She sounded tired. "If saying I'm sorry could change everything, I'd say it a million times until I turned blue in the face. But it won't. It's time you knew the truth."
"Go ahead, then."
I"m not going to pour my heart out to a slab of wood."
I got up slowly and unlocked the door. She made herself comfortable in a spot next to the doorway and motioned me to join her. I shook my head and sat down again on my bed.
[I like to compare this part of the story to those transitioning segues in video games; you know, like when after you've beaten a particularly difficult level and Nintendo gives your brain a bit of a break by entertaining you with cheesy synthesizer music and backstory about whatever world it is you're fighting in. I'm specifically thinking of the original system's Ninja Gaiden, where in between levels, you learn more about the demonic statues Rayu is trying to find and destroy.]
As for our riveting tune of choice for this heartfelt mother-and-son scene? How about Tori Amos's "Professional Widow"? Could you GET more creepy?]
"Katherine's mom--Jenna--used to be my best friend in high school. We did everything together. She didn't have much of a family, so she became a part of mine. She helped me in a lot of ways." Mom had a far-away look in her eyes, and her smile was somewhat wistful; I knew she wasn't Kay, a grown woman anymore, but Kayla, a happy teenager.
"I had a boyfriend who I'd been with for a year and a half." She chuckled softly. "I thought he was wonderful. He had a way of making me feel so special! And loved! And oh, I loved him with all of my being. I pictured David standing beside me at the altar, and going to the Bahamas for our honeymoon."
David. My father's name.
"When I was 17, David broke up with me. I couldn't take it. I wanted him back so bad, it hurt, physically as well as emotionally. I hung onto his sister Cassie so I could try to get a glimpse of him. In the end, though, I really liked Cassie, and she became a very close friend." She paused for a moment to let the news sink in. My Aunt Cassie wasn't Mom's sister, but she was still my father's, so she was still my aunt.
"I wanted you to have some family, but I couldn't give you any," she said. [You know, seeing as I relinquished all legal rights to your sister and disowned my parents, even though they were kind enough to look after you while I was rotting in jail.]
"But Aunt Cassie's family no matter what." Mom shook her head. "Don't make any conclusions until I've finished."
"Anyway, I finally asked Jenna to talk to David and put in a good word about me. She didn't want to get involved, but I begged her until she said yes. A while later, I found out that she'd been secretly dating him. She said nothing happened 'til we'd broken up, but I didn't believe her, or even care. Our friendship ended like that," she said, snapping her fingers. "Soon she was pregnant, and the two of them got engaged."
"So David is Katherine's father, too?" I cried, feeling sick.
She gave me a Look and I shut up.
"By this time, we were divided. Cassie and I were friends, but not with Jenna. I never talked to David. Jenna stayed with David and hung out with Michael, her other best friend. Yes, my Michael," she added before I could ask.
"One night, David came to visit me. He was drunk, but only a little. We got to talking, and to...other things. We had sex for the first time." She sighed.
[Not really the way you hoped to explain your deflowering to your horny little son, is it, Kayla?]
"A month later I was pregnant. I already knew he wouldn't leave Jenna since she was farther along than I was. I would be cut short on child support and his attention. [And..other things.] I was out of my mind." She looked at me pleadingly now, and reached for my hand. I didn't pull away. "This next part is delicate. It was Cassie's idea, but I chose to go along with it. I thought then that everything would be OK. Still, though, I was scared out of my mind."
My blood felt like ice. "What happened, Mom?"
Her voice was shaky, and barely above a whisper. "Cassie picked me up and drove me to an ice cream place [what, no shout-out for the DQ?] where David and Jenna were. I got in the driver's seat, and when they came out and crossed the street--" She broke down, her face crumbling. "It was Jenna I wanted to kill, so David wouldn't cheat my baby; maybe he would've loved me again. And we hit her! I saw her go down. But the car only brushed her. David pushed her out of the way and got the impact." My mother's body shook with sobs. "Jenna's baby died, but she was OK. My David left me, too, and went to Heaven."
[You'd think the fact that she was pregnant herself would have caused her to show more remorse for killing an innocent life that hadn't even been born yet, but no, she still mourns the jackass who couldn't keep his dick in his pants.]
[I'm sorry, David, I didn't mean it. Love you! Mean it! RIP!]
I was shocked, but didn't speak. I let her compose herself enough to continue.
"Cassie and I went to jail. Her for three-and-a-half years, me for only three. She was a little unstable for a while [ha!], so she got longer for therapy. I got paroled." Mom squeezed my hand hard. "I gave birth after seven months in jail to a little girl."
"No," I whispered. She nodded.
"I named her Katherine Marie Evans, in memory of Jenna's baby; it would have been a girl, and she was gonna name her Mary Katherine."
"She didn't stay with you?" I asked. I felt a lump in my throat.
"The law wouldn't allow it, sweetheart. I couldn't keep her more than a year. My parents wouldn't take her, under the circumstances."
"Why Jenna?" I cried. "And where did Evans come from?"
"Evans is my real last name. I changed it later. And Jenna... She missed her baby, and wanted mine. Her and Michael--they took Katherine from the prison, but Jenna changed her mind. They got caught on the way from Wisconsin back to Illinois." She wiped her face. "They got married. When my year was done, I let them adopt her."
"My sister...my God!" I yelled. How could this happen?
Mom rushed on. "Don't freak on me! This is important. You've realized by now that David's not--he couldn't be--your father."
[THAT'S the important part?!]
After a moment, it hit me that she was right. I had had all the facts, but didn't want to piece them together. My father figure image had been shattered.
[Because every boy prays for a daddy who abandons him before he's even left the womb.]
"Yes," I whispered.
"About a month after I gave Katherine away, the pain was still as fresh as if it had happened yesterday. I fell into depression, and that left me open. Many people picked up on it, including two security men. They--they hurt me bad, sweetie." She smiled through a haze of tears and stroked my cheek. "Do you see what I'm saying?"
[Rape child, never meant to be! Rape child, born in minimum security!]
I saw.
"I'm sorry, Momma," I choked. She held me to her tightly.
[I think it's appropriate to change tracks, don't you? Enter "A Song for Mama" by Boyz II Men.]
"Never say that again," she said softly. "You saved my life and made me whole. Nobody but you could have done it. Not Cassie, Katherine, David, nobody but you. I'm sorry I lied. I just wanted you to be OK. I thought if we found your sister, we'd all be OK."
"I'm not mad." [Of course you're not. Your newfound guilt over being a product of rape has now overshadowed any of Kayla's heinous wrongdoings. Well played, Kayla!] I looked at my mother with shame. "Momma, I hurt Katherine, the way you were. That's why she's--" I couldn't say anymore. I begged for forgiveness with my eyes. I knew she understood.
[But you're still grounded! No sex for a week.]
She hugged me again, then stood up. "Why don't you go find your aunt? I know she needs you."
I stared at her.
"She's still your aunt, Kyle. Love made you her nephew." I nodded and went to Aunt Cassie's room. The door was open. I found her sitting on her bed, hunched over. "Auntie," I said. She looked up, and her face radiated pure joy at that one word. I gave myself to her opening arms.
[Journey, anyone?]
"I'm sorry about your brother," I whispered, "but I'm glad you're with me."
"Me, too, baby," she replied. "Me, too."
Is Kyle redeemed YET? You people hold grudges for way too long.
Thank you for working TypePad...I love you!
"So heeeeeeeere I aaaaaaaaam, with ooooooopen aaaaa-aaaa-aaaaaarms..."
I think I may be putting two and two together and know why you are so forgiving of Kyle but that's all I'll say about that.
Kayla, Kayla, Kayla. You know, I forgot how bad I felt for her in the beginning of TLF. I forgot how much she loved David and how hurt she was that Jenna took him when she was supposed to be helping her out. I guess TLF has kind of come full circle since now Kayla is sleeping with Jenna's husband. I wanted to puke when she said "my Michael."
I might be confused (because wow, a lot of shit has happened) but why does Kyle seem to know that Katherine is his sister in the beginning of this post ("my SISTER or your LOVER?") but seems just as shocked, as if he's just realizing it after Kayla explains her f-ed up life to him ("My sister...My God!")? Are you pickin' up what I'm puttin' down? Do you understand what I just asked? If not, I'll call Liz later and you can explain it to her or something. (I still can't believe Liz has like met yall (yes, I say yall) and I, like, heard you say "Hi Hilary" through the phone this morning after you were done drying your hair....just crazy!)
Posted by: Silly Hily | July 27, 2007 at 10:41 AM
Kyle redeemed? Not all the way.
Cassie? Maybe.
Kayla? Heck no! Seems to me she still has some explaining left to do.
Posted by: VirginiaGal | July 27, 2007 at 10:54 AM
How did Kay(la) not bitch-slap her son when he confessed to RAPING HIS SISTER! I mean, I would think (and I am no expert by any means, so this may just be dumb guy talking here) that she would be especially sensitive and outraged over rape, being a victim herself. Then again, I suppose I can't totally put myself in her shoes.
Good episode though, I didn't laugh as much as in some, but for the story to be tragic there should be some non-comedic parts. I did laugh about Ninja Gaiden and the song segway into "A Song For Momma."
And to think, I'll get to talk to you about this at lunch today! Woo hoo!
Posted by: David McNelis | July 27, 2007 at 11:14 AM
Why does David have to go there? Rubbing it in and shit. I'm all excited because I could simply hear your voice over the phone this morning but he has to one up me with the lunch thing. Why you gotta do that David? Huh?
Posted by: Silly Hily | July 27, 2007 at 11:34 AM
Thank you so much for posting this!!! WOO HOO FOR TLF! :)
Now I just have to get through the rest of the day...ugh. Hope you're having fun at BlogHer!
Posted by: Michelle | July 27, 2007 at 11:51 AM
I'm all in favor of forgiveness and everything, but Kyle is still evil - he RAPED her!!
Posted by: Katie | July 27, 2007 at 01:03 PM
Kyle: Momma, the thing is... I raped my sister, just like what happened to you, I'm so sorreeeeee!
Kayla: Oh, it's okay sweetie, that doesn't shock or horrify me as a former rape victim whatsoever, let's go eat cookies and sing kumbaya!
So yeah, I still think Kyle is pretty much scum! Although now he's scum with a huge guilt complex and tons of baggage, so you know, that sucks for him. But dude, Katherine got RAPED by her first love and lost her baby in a horrific way. That's not right, man!
Posted by: Angela | July 27, 2007 at 01:18 PM
Kayla: "A month later I was pregnant."
Really? David's super sperm took a WHOLE MONTH to make their way up Kayla's special place and impregnate her? Somehow I thought he might have had faster swimmers than that.
Your commentary this week is superb. I'll probably be laughing all weekend over "You're still grounded! No sex for a week."
Posted by: Audrey | July 27, 2007 at 01:42 PM
Bah. No! I am apparently a coldhearted reader, haha.
(Who giggles everytime Lil Frema writes "angery".)
Posted by: alyndabear | July 27, 2007 at 10:04 PM
Good, give that baby something to eat. We like good eating babys.
Posted by: daddy d | July 27, 2007 at 10:51 PM
Sorry Hill! Didn't mean to rain on the phone parade!
Posted by: David McNelis | July 27, 2007 at 11:50 PM
I'm with alyndabear - I giggle every time I read "angery"!
And, seriously, not enough cursing. I think the revelation that Kyle and Katherine are related and that Kayla's been fooling around with Katherine's "dad" would have warranted at least a few f-bombs.
I'll blame it on your youth!
Posted by: Jackie | July 28, 2007 at 12:20 PM
my commentary on tlf this week doesn't have much to do with the new scene- but! since my nephew's been watching the star wars movies non-stinkin'-stop recently, i've realized something. Lucas and Leigh? Luke and Leia? Unbeknownst to them brother on sister action? wooo, lil Frema, was that intentional? also, was this already discussed?
Posted by: Professor Art Nerd | July 28, 2007 at 07:45 PM
Hilary: I'm catching what you're throwing! The only thing that can explain Kyle's shock later in the post is that, at the beginning, I don't think his connection to Katherine seemed real. Being the kid that he is, I think he focused more on the love stuff, like the baby, and the affair, and it wasn't until Kayla actually laid it all out there that it really sunk in for him.
Art Nerd: The Lucas/Leigh Luke/Leia thing? Totally a coincidence!
Posted by: Frema | July 29, 2007 at 04:45 PM
I'm not sure how Kyle is more upset that David isn't his dad then the fact THAT HE RAPED HIS OWN SISTER! And Kay, you need to get that kid in some serious therapy. STAT.
I'm not sure Kyle can be forgiven. I need him to be more sincere in his guilt. Is that bad of me?
Posted by: Isabel | July 30, 2007 at 12:56 PM
The song that I kept getting? Lay it! On the liiiine! Haha
Nope, sorry Kyle. No love here.
Posted by: Molly | July 30, 2007 at 02:42 PM
I am still more sorry for Katherine. She's been through a lot. Kyle is winning points with me. I think he's just a confused kid with an effed up mom.
Posted by: Rachel | July 30, 2007 at 03:45 PM
no redeption for the jerk none
as for kayla dude she has such issues... always gettin even.. always takin never bein happy with what she's got
Posted by: wolfbaby | August 03, 2007 at 12:36 PM
Yes! No TLF post this week-- I get to come redeem myself and still say that I commented on the current episode. That being said...
I'm a little disappointed with the way the "big news" played out. For all that is tragic, this news should have been rage-envoking, life-altering, therapy-inducing... and nothing. A hug from the aunt.
I pictured this moment being among the most dramatic to be had. Maybe it's still coming. I'll wait patiently. But I'd like to see Kyle get at least a light slam from the adults in his life. At least clueless Michael should care that his poor daughter was raped by his would- be step son. No? Bueller? Anyone?
I need some follow-up on that one. Okay, waiting. That's what I'll do.
Posted by: Sant | August 05, 2007 at 10:30 PM