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August 28, 2007


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You are FAR, FAR nicer a person to be married to than I am...

I'm so glad the first class went well, I'm quite certain there will be many more just as, if not more, Fremalicious!!

I'm already envisioning the first student comment on here. I see it being something along the lines of "Hey Prof. Frema, I found your blog today and your writing it so fantastic, can I have an A now?"

I am honored that I could be a part of your first class. I do what I can to help out my lady friends.

Just reading about your life makes me tired. can I get some of your fabulousness over here please?

Good job on the start of your class. It will get to be easier and easier as time goes on. Concepts and ideas will come to you as you move through the preperation for class lessons. At times during class, ideas will come to you as to how to put it together. The job will become even more fun as time runs into the future

Good work Professor Frema.

So glad everything went well for you. I knew it would.

Also, you guys were in that traffic? Me too. Nothing like re-routing the already long Saturday morning Ikea drive, as we sat in six lanes of bumper to bumper. We even cancelled Sunday's city plans. Holy hell.

I am so interested in your class! If I lived in the area I would totally audit it. It sounds like you are doing great and two hours is a nerve racking amount of time to fill!

And, I, um, would love it if you stopped by my site sometime and gave me some pointers.

It sounds like it went really well!!! I can't imagine how cool it would have been to have seen sort of the "inner thoughts" of my professors when I was in college. I think they'll really appreciate your forthrightness!

So, do we, your loyal readers (typo: royal leaders) also get to comment on the student blog attempts? Just kidding. Well, maybe not.

I'd love to have some of your organizational skills. Will trade for 30 minute recipes.

Ooh, I'd pay $$ for some of your motivation, too. You're a dynamo. I had to keep re-reading the line, "I was adamant about returning to Indianapolis at an hour that would allow me to give the apartment a good once-over." I hope to have priorities like that when I grow up.

I am so glad your first class went well, although I knew it would!

Professor Frema has a nice ring to it.

Congrats on a successful first class! If you were my professor and I found your blog, it would just make me think you were that much cooler. You should make TLF required reading.

How fun that you get to have sleepovers every week!

It's funny, but I have the same experience almost every class. I look at my phone (do they even MAKE watches anymore?) (kidding, of course!) and it's only 14 minutes in. Then I relax a bit, start just talking a lot, and it's a minute past the end of class. Luckily, at one school there's no clock in the class, so I'm not talking to an empty room.

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Anne Lamott

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    - Liz Gilbert

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    - Brené Brown