Big weekend. BIG. Baby shower! Generous family and friends. Beautiful gifts. Very tired. Also, a little overwhelmed with the knowledge that yesterday marked eight remaining weeks until my daughter's arrival. That said, let's get this show on the road, shall we?
Freka's shower was hosted by my family and organized by my mother and sister, the super-excited Auntie Samantha, on Saturday, October 13, at my parents' house in Chicago.
My mother made the cake, and it was delicious: vanilla frosting, white and chocolate layers, strawberry and banana filling. Every pregnant woman's dream.
One of the shower activities involved all the guests writing a letter to the baby geared towards a specific birthday year. She'll receive a letter for each year of her life until she turns twenty-three. Here's Samantha, hard at work. I think she chose year eighteen.
Surely you recognize Molly, my blogger partner-in-crime. If I look a little dazed, it's because ten minutes before this picture was taken, I was holding the three-week-old son of my girlfriend, Nicole, oohing and aahing over his tiny fingers and toes, realizing with a start that in two months, the child in my arms will be mine.
It was daunting, to say the least, and I came close to throwing up a little bit in my mouth, but overall, it was a good feeling.
Words can't begin to describe how grateful Luke and I are for all the wonderful gifts we received. Stroller, high chair, Pack 'n Play, bedding, bouncy seat, tummy time mat, monitors, bottles, lotions, creams, clothes, blankets, toys.... It really was amazing. This baby is so loved, already.
Belly shot with the proud grandmas.
Me, three of the four grandparents, and the "Baby Girl" doggie signed by all the guests. When I saw Luke had written "I love you! -- Daddy," I almost cried.
Luke and his brother, Matt.
Though I didn't get to visit with everyone for as long as I would've liked, us girls did manage to squeeze in a chat over cake. Starting from the left we've got Gina, my sister Ryan (newly engaged! And the ring is so pretty!), Samantha, and Brooke.
Luke and me with my brother and sisters, sharing the sibling love. Are they a good-looking bunch or what?
Momma and Daddy.
Me just two days shy of week thirty-two, happily sporting a blow-out I wish I could've maintained for the duration of my pregnancy because honestly, the hair clips and rubber bands? Not really cutting it anymore.
And finally, because I know this is what you all REALLY came here to see, wee baby things!
I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. Luke and I completed our four-week childbirth prep class last Friday (and it was great. Our instructor is the mother of five and experienced labor and delivery with her last two completely unmedicated, which gives me hope that I can, too), so all that's left are two sessions dedicated to labor support and breastfeeding basics. I just spent a hundred and sixty dollars online at Gap Maternity because my pants won't stay up and my belly button is on the verge of shamelessly exposing itself to random coworkers at the lab. I'm still shopping for a breast pump, torn between the Internet's fondness for Ameda and Nicole's love for the Medela. We need to interview pediatricians. We finally have what we need to start decorating the baby's room. And this afternoon, I wrote my first entry for Freka's journal.
We really are almost there.
If you notice your number of hits up by a good hundred (thousand) today? It's me, anxiously waiting to see all the pictures. The shower was a great time, and so exciting to see everything coming together. I can't wait to hold that sweet baby!!
Posted by: Molly | October 16, 2007 at 01:14 AM
For what it worth: I have a Medela pump in style and it works great. Kind of pricey, but worth it. Also: I have given birth with and without medication. You can do it (if that's what you want) your body was made to do this. (But medication was kind of nice too)
Posted by: Bunny | October 16, 2007 at 06:45 AM
yes i would like a slice of that cake please!!!! mmmmm. also your husband is so tall you two are so cute. and wee baby things yay for pink!
Posted by: wilddreemer | October 16, 2007 at 10:02 AM
Oh how fun! I can't believe how quickly time has flown by either! It seems like just last week I was reading your "I'm pregnant" entry.
And I have to say, HOLY CRAP, Luke is so TALL. I never realized the height difference before. I mean, I knew he was tall and you were petite, but wow!
Posted by: Marriage-101 | October 16, 2007 at 10:30 AM
How exciting!! You are so lucky to have such a great, supportive family :-) I love to see pictures of you with Luke - you look so tiny. And my son really wants a cake like that one.
Posted by: Katie | October 16, 2007 at 10:54 AM
Congratulations! Whatever you end up deciding for an electric pump, don't forget an Avent Isis manual pump for backup.
I think you know that I managed to break/wear out two electrics, a Medela Pump in Style and an Ameda Purely Yours. Driving frantically to the baby stuff store with way overfull boobies that you expected to pump half an hour or more ago is really not fun.
Posted by: Liza | October 16, 2007 at 11:20 AM
Congrats on all the adorable baby things!! You look so great. So happy! I can't wait until Freka is here!!!
Posted by: Rachel | October 16, 2007 at 11:23 AM
You look GREAT. And so does the rest of the bunch. What an attractive lot!!
And hello, check out your loot. Your baby is so loved. It's very exciting.
(I know exactly what you mean when you say that words can't describe how appreciative you are. I felt overwhelmed with the love that others showed Babboo even before he was born.)
Here's to an amazing rest of your pregnancy!
Posted by: Isabel | October 16, 2007 at 11:47 AM
I used a Medela Pump In Style Advanced for a year with each of my kids and I absolutely loved it. You got such great presents. It looks like it was a great day
Posted by: ktjrdn | October 16, 2007 at 12:41 PM
Wow, what a great shower! You look so great! And so does the rest of your family -- Freka's got some beautiful genes, for sure.
I am so excited for Freka to come out and meet the internet already! (Not too soon, of course, but I am looking forward to December!)
Posted by: Audrey | October 16, 2007 at 01:05 PM
Luke's note on the shower dog made ME cry.
And, Frema? You look amazing. Radiant and beautiful. What a lovely shower.
Posted by: Liz | October 16, 2007 at 01:47 PM
Look at that stuff! It had better really be a girl...
Also, your hair looks fantastic.
Posted by: TasterSpoon | October 16, 2007 at 02:47 PM
That actually sounds like a pretty fun baby shower. I love love LOVE the idea of people writing letters to future Freka. That's such an awesome idea. Mind if I steal it? (That is, if I even remember.)
I'm so excited for you guys!
Posted by: Fraulein N | October 16, 2007 at 02:50 PM
Isn't it fabulous to know that your baby is so loved before she even enters this world? Brings a tear to my eye.
I love seeing all the family. I see a line of good genes that Freka is coming into. Lucky little girl.
I see where Luke gets his height from.
You! You? Look amazing. You are making me miss being pregnant.
Posted by: Silly Hily | October 16, 2007 at 03:42 PM
You look great girl! What an awesome shower. I really like the letters to the baby. What a wonderful gift to lil' Freka!
Posted by: Erica | October 16, 2007 at 04:00 PM
What a great shower! You look as glowing as ever. And I am JEALOUS of the height genes that Freka will inherit - ours is destined to be "cute" rather than "stately" or "supermodel-esque" :)
Also congrats on Freka turning head down! Mine turned last week and I was so relieved - let's hope they stay in position until the end.
Posted by: eva | October 16, 2007 at 08:28 PM
What a great weekend! The shower really makes you feel loved doesent it? Sort of overwhelming but great. Love all of the pictures, you and luke both look so elated.
I wish you luck with the unmedicated l&d, I really wanted it but couldnt hack it.
Posted by: Christina | October 16, 2007 at 09:47 PM
yay! I see quite a few clothing items that we had for Maggie (that I just packed away this morning, actually *sniffle* she's outgrown almost everything!!!) You look beautiful, so calm and ready for this (even if you don't feel it, heehee)
You mentioned holding a 3-week old- it's so funny, because my friend had her son about 2 months before Maggie was born, and I held him when he was just a couple weeks old and I was like 'Whoa.' It's SO much different holding a baby when you're so close to having one of your own, kind of a reality check. So I know how you must have been feeling :)
I can't wait for these next weeks to be over and to see your little girl!!!!!
Posted by: Jen | October 16, 2007 at 09:53 PM
It was so great spending time with you. Thank you for letting me rub your stomach till that sweet baby kicked for me! I loved it! Can't wait to fly down and see the 3 of you!
Posted by: Brooke | October 17, 2007 at 12:15 AM
i come back and there is that dang cake all up in my face again. please post picture of raw steak or something that will make me not want to run to the nearest bakery and buy all cakes. mmkay..thanks!
Posted by: wilddreemer | October 17, 2007 at 10:25 AM
I cannot wait to "meet" little Freka! Clearly, there are so many people who already love her so much. What a fun baby shower--you look so great!!
Posted by: Lindsey | October 17, 2007 at 04:17 PM
The shower was wonderful. Your family gave a wonderful party. Your mom's cake is to die for. Everybody loves baby showers so that they can ooh and aah over the cute baby clothes. And just think those cute little clothes are for our little girl.
Posted by: mjd | October 17, 2007 at 09:42 PM
Great baby party. I am glad I was there. So much love was all around.
Posted by: daddy d | October 18, 2007 at 10:29 PM
My two cents on the breast pump - my Medela pump in style has been through all three of my babies plus two girfriend's babies, for a total of about 24 months of pumping, and is still going strong, never had to replace anything. Love it!
Posted by: Stacey | November 06, 2007 at 12:08 AM