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October 23, 2007


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I'm so glad it worked out. And a bit envious that your baby may arrive on the early side of things, after hearing some recent horror stories of babies that were 15 days late (as long as she stays in for 1-2 more weeks she'll be fine). Don't stress too much about buying tons more stuff either, because Freka will be content just with your love and attention. For now: Stay healthy! Get rest! Drink fluids! And keep us all posted...

Add my thanks to Jackie for taking such good care of our Frema and our little Freka.

Woohoo! The baby is on her way! So exciting! I guess I better get on that baby gift! :)

You have done an awesome job of preparing yourselves for Freka's arrival. But this softening news? I'm going to have to start refreshing this page pretty soon, aren't I? That baby's coming faster than you thought.

Will you announce the birth here or at Parents first? I wondered about that.

Oh how terrifying! Horray for Jackie! And so glad to hear everything is okay.

And I'm sorry if I'm a little excited to hear that we could be reading about little Freka's arrival near Thanksgiving rather than Christmas. Just as long as she's healthy though!

Oh and could you please tell me how to subscribe to your parents blog? I've been slacking adding it to my google reader for fear my reader might explode thanks to all the blogs I have in there. (as of this morning, 320 unread items. Yikes!)

How scary! I'm so glad everything is alright. It's wild how small things like dehydration make your body do such wacky things when you are pregnant! I had nasal congestion that gave me such a terrible headache I could barely lift my head off my pillow for three days. And I kept going to work even though I could have worked from home! The prescription was to use Charlie's brand new humidifier at night and get more rest. Duh!

I'm just glad you everything worked out. Now drink that water!!

Those nurses at Jasper County? Wow! They could use some lessons in bedside manners. How about not starting the conversation with: "We don't like pregnant women in the ER...We don't want to deliver a baby."

Take care of yourself and Freka!

Hi there! I am relatively new to your blog but wanted to say that I am now a dedicated follower. Oh and of course I'm glad to see that all is okay with you and the baby.

I guess I really just wanted to introduce myself because I live in the land of the Hoosiers - Bloomington! I love reading blogs of those nearby and wanted to let you know you have another reader just a mere hour (or so!) away. :-)

I ended up in the hospital about 2 or 3 times while I was pregnant with Alyssa because I was in pre-term labor. A bag of fluids helped each time. You've gotten to the point in your pregnancy that you are going to have to take it easy. Hard as that may be.

I was due at the end of January with Alyssa and I just knew she wasn't gonna make it that long. She didn't. 4 weeks early and perfectly healthy.

You can cross my name off your "good internet friends" list. I officially suck.

(I promise I have GOOD intentions of reading your Parenting posts. I promise to read them TODAY and get caught up.)

I'm glad things are looking up for you and the bebe. Please beg her to stay inside for a few more weeks. Just a little bit longer...

Thanks to Jackie. One more reason why we heart her!!

i made a list last week of things i wasn't looking forward to about my second delivery and number one was the fricking IV it is worse then the epidural, c section, recovery and everything combined.

I am glad everything is okay with the baby, I was wondering what was up in class. Don't ever put our class above that baby again! That is just crazy! But on the other hand, thanks for being such a dedicated teacher that you would be worried about your responsibilities to the class. See you on Thursday.

OMG, Frema! I'm just catching up on my blog action since we were in AZ.
I think you'll have a Thanksgiving baby as well. All the signs are in place... but then again, I also walked around dilated 2cm for a month and Henry still didn't come out on his own. Has your OB recommended any sort of modified bed rest at this point?
Sending love and hugs and gallons of virtual liquid to keep you nice and hydrated and relaxed.
And thanks Jackie!

Also? I just noticed that you're receiving comments from YOUR STUDENTS!


Good friends are the best. I am glad last Thursday's adventure turned out just needing some water. Getting the water inside you was the hard part.

Wow! Glad you and lil Freka are ok. Sounds like she is ready to meet her mommy and daddy. Those IV's are not very comfortable, but if they contain drugs, they are totally worth the pain. What a great friend.

Ooh, hang in there. I just visited a friend who this weekend went into labor 10 weeks early and has been put on bed rest for the next 2 1/2 months. She was pretty even-keeled about it; I cannot even fathom.

Anyway, make sure you're taping a lot of good TV, just in case...

How exciting! My sisters Thanksgiving baby was born last Sunday! Be prepared! My sister has a Mustang and was planning on getting a more family friendly car next weekend, she had to get my mom to take them home from the hospital because the baby seat would not even fit in her car - talk about suprises ;) Good Luck

I know first-hand how badly UTI's hurt. A few years ago, I had gotten SEVEN in 6 months. SEVEN. I was constantly medicated and constantly in pain. I've never had more pain in my life. So I totally know how you must have been feeling.

Hope Freka stays in there for just a little bit longer!

Oh, scary! Glad everything's okay. Seems Freka might've gotten wind of how sucky it is to be a Christmas baby.

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