People, I have an announcement to make.
Lil' Frema is finally going to have her day in the sun.
Yesterday I received an e-mail from Sarah Brown, creator of Cringe Book, (finally!) informing me that one of my submissions had been accepted for publication. The cringe-filled masterpiece is currently slated for a March 2008 release date.
My winning literary donation?
Randy would be so proud. Or totally creeped out. Or maybe he'd just feel sorry for the little girl inside of me whose rejected heart never completely healed.
That last one is the most likely scenario, seeing as last month somebody found my blog by searching for "Randy Wooten" in Google. Whoops.
Anyway, while the contributors won't see a dime of the advance money, Sarah did say she could snag me a copy of the book, and if the book tour stops through my city, she'd love for me to participate in the reading, so that's pretty cool. It figures, though, that my first published work would be written by my childhood counterpart. After all, she was the true brains behind Tragic Love Friday. What will part three be like without her "e" after "stomach" and her intuitive medical expertise?
(Speaking of TLF, are any of you still chomping at the bit about doing a part three after the New Year? Do you have ideas for potential storylines? I actually have something in mind for Jenna, who I just realized went through the entire sequel without getting any nooky at all. That will SOOO change for part three.)
Congrats! Lil Frema's gonna be famous!
Posted by: Fraulein N | November 08, 2007 at 09:48 AM
Come on, you know that should be a heart over the i ...... gah. :) Yay for lil Frema!
Posted by: Ashley & Family | November 08, 2007 at 10:06 AM
Congratulations! Are you going to be terribly embarrassed if Randy comments?
Posted by: Katie | November 08, 2007 at 10:13 AM
As for TLFv3 (see, I'm a techie at heart, you can tell with how I refer to TLF Part 3)...I'm still totally pumped for it. I can't say that I have any great plot ideas (or at least ones that I want to mention to early).
Posted by: David McNelis | November 08, 2007 at 11:27 AM
HOLY CRAP FREMA....this is too awesome for words.
Lil Isabel AND Big Isabel is super duper proud of Lil Frema!
Keep us posted.
Posted by: Isabel | November 08, 2007 at 02:00 PM
So cool that you sent that in and it's getting published! And definitely cringe-worthy. How bold of you to use actual names! I was too afraid of people reading mine that I used code names or no names at all. Now, my older stuff had lots of "Mrs. so-and-so, Elizabeth So-and-so", etc.
I'm cringing just thinking about my old journals. They were too painful to look at, let alone keep, so I finally threw out the last one about 3 years ago. I bet there was some good stuff, though.
Posted by: Elizabeth | November 08, 2007 at 05:03 PM
De-lurking to say congratulations! That is so awesome! :) (and, I must say, your submission is pretty awesome, too. I'm sure I have several similar things in boxes in my mom's garage.)
Posted by: Kathleen | November 08, 2007 at 05:19 PM
What a great announcement! Congratulations.
Posted by: SJ | November 08, 2007 at 05:26 PM
Congratulations! Won't Freka be so proud!! Even if I could come up with some TLF 3 ideas, I am afraid they would pale in comparison to Lil' Frema.
Posted by: Rachel | November 08, 2007 at 05:59 PM
Good job. I have always known you can write. Now the world will know it also.
Posted by: daddy d | November 08, 2007 at 06:34 PM
Posted by: mjd | November 08, 2007 at 07:46 PM
Lil' Frema - published author. Has a nice ring to it!
Um, I have some TLF III (how many ways can we refer to the goodness?) ideas, but nothing concrete yet. Just a couple themes I'm still playing with. Not that I am anywhere as good a writer as Lil' (or Big) Frema.
Posted by: Virginia Gal | November 09, 2007 at 11:48 AM
The handwriting alone on that note is priceless. Too funny. Congratulations on making it into the book!
Posted by: a happier girl | November 09, 2007 at 09:26 PM
Woot! (My favorite part is "witch." So awesome.)
Posted by: kerrianne | November 10, 2007 at 01:31 PM