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November 16, 2007


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Students many times have a short view of what they are to do with their chances to learn. You are right about their not talking to make class shorter. But they lost the chance that you gave to them. But that happens time and time again in the teaching business. It not the teacher's fault.

That sounds like a perfect last class - handing papers back, a few moments to recognize excellence, discussing career opportunities, summarizing the course study, and getting out of class early too.

It was the last class for you, and the last of your teaching run (at least for this time in your life,) but it was a Thursday night for the kids, and one of the many classes they're juggling. Also, well, it was a Thursday night at St. Joe, and we all know what that means.

Don't let it bother you that they wanted to wrap up quick. I'm sure, though we hadn't looked at it from the other angle, we did it as college kids too. I'm sure they enjoyed your class. I would have!!

Bring on more pie. And bring on that baby! :o)

Sounds like a good last class.

I'm still obsessing on the chocolate fudge pudding........

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