What happens when your day consists of grocery shopping, apartment cleaning, writing and addressing wedding shower invitations, spending an hour and a half in Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase gifts for said shower, updating the blog you actually get paid for, and visiting with the wonderful sister and brother-in-law who were cool enough to drop in for a weekend visit?
You publish a really crappy post for NaBloPoMo, that's what.
Hang in there, peeps. The content will get better, I promise!
That sounds like a really big day to me. Progress has been made towards the future.
Posted by: daddy d | November 04, 2007 at 12:06 AM
Well, you packed a lot of information into the sort entry.
Posted by: mjd | November 04, 2007 at 12:49 AM
Ha ha, I had one of those yesterday. This NaBloPoMo stuff is hard!!
Posted by: Katie | November 04, 2007 at 11:15 AM