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December 25, 2007


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Indeed, it is a wonderful life. Ryan and Kara are beautiful. Is Kara cracking a little smile at her daddy in the last picture?

Merry Christmas to you, Ryan, Luke, and Kara.

Merry Christmas. Joy of this day to you all. It is a wonderful life to have family near and far. Whereas, near is more helpful.

Wonderful post! I am glad to hear you are feeling calmer. I'm sure that makes a world of difference! Enjoy that sweet girl and your beautiful family.

How sweet a picture of a daddy with his baby girl. You truly are blessed and it makes me happy just to read about it. Happy first Christmas as a family of three!

Merry Christmas, sweet little family!

Merry Christmas! Seeing my husband with our babies is the only thing that has kept our marriage together at times (seriously)!

Oh, so, sweet. I love it.

Oh, Merry Christmas to you all!! And the title is PERFECT.

What a wonderful bond Luke and Kara (gee, that seems strange after typing Freka for so long!) seem to have. Love that last pic, and all of the others too.

What a wonderful Christmas for you guys! Merry Christmas!

Your family is so cute. Kara is beautiful. I love watching my husband interact with our 1 year old too. It's magic, I swear! :) Lots of warm fuzzy thoughts to you!

Yay Luke on being so supportive to you during this exciting AND trying time! You and baby are so lucky, and they're lucky to have such a loving, funny, kind wife/mommy.

Such a magical time! :) Enjoy every moment with your beautiful family!

Frema, she is sooo beautiful!!

What a super post and a perfect Christmas!

What a sweet post! And that feeling will just continue to grow and grow. Alyssa is almost 2 and I still smile when I watch her and Chris together. I fall in love all over again.

Just beautiful. Children really are a miracle, aren't they?

We just watched the You Tube video twice and are in awe of how beautiful and perfect our little niece is. We love you guys so much. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Know whar's awesome? Our kid has the SAME Christmas outfit (she was born on the 21st).

With my 1st I had a c-section, but no labor to get the hormones going, and it took 10 FREAKIN DAYS for milk to come in (with 8 hours a day dedicated to the horrible pump/fruitless feeding attempts). But once it happened I was a milk makin' machine. And formula can be a gift from the gods. Nothing like feeding your starving child while waiting for your body to recover from major surgery... And I don't feel bad about admitting to using some occasional formula this time, despite the natural birth, while waiting for my body to recover from massive blood loss & anemia. Hooray for bottles while waiting for boobs to work!

I meant to comment when I first read this Christmas Day...

I'm glad things seem to be a bit better. I know they will continue to get that way.

I absolutely love how you talk about Luke. He always struck me as a great and gentle person. I hope I can find someone like that one day.

more picyures please!!!!!!!!

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