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January 03, 2008


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What? Did you ask something? Cuz I'm just smitten with the little one in the bassinet...

Still not over all that hair! Too cute!

So childless inquiring minds (mine) want to know what a day in the life of Frema and Kara is like? Aside from the 8-10 breast pumpings per day ;)

Breastfeeding.....blah. I had pretty much the same experience as you with both of my children. Neither one made it past 3 weeks.

As for antibodies - my daughter (the first child) was never sick until her little brother came along and they began passing the same sickness back and forth all winter long.

Kara already received a ton of benefit of breastfeeding and she looks quite content with her current feeding situation (those cheeks, oh my).

If you can find something called Mother's Milk Tea at your local supermarket, try that. I have no idea what brand it was, but I think it helped. It contains fenugreek and some other herbs that are supposed to increase milk supply.

That hair is the best!

Thought I'd let you know... I breastfed both my babies and you know what? They still got sick. Repeatedly.

I know you have to go through your experience and your emotions your way, but I want you to know that you are not hurting Kara or depriving her. I went through a lot of trauma with my firstborn because breastfeeding did not get off to a good start (but it's so NATURAL! ... ha ha!)and I remember the tears and feelings of guilt & inadequacy.

You are right, the most important thing is for you to hold her when you can & love her to bits. Trust yourself, you're making the right decisions. "If formula fed babies were truly inferior," My Pediatrician told me, "I would know. And I see no difference in the health of the two groups."

Yes, you're right: she is the sweetest :) She looks so peaceful.

So yeah, I'm certainly no expert, so this may be a silly question. Can the pump run on batter power? I'm not sure if you have to be sitting when you are taking care of Kara or milking..but if you had a battery powered pump you could get a carpenters belt thingy and if the cords are long enough you'd be able to walk around and do stuff while pumping. I doubt that would be very comfortable...but it might afford you those extra moments to, pardon the choice of words, squeeze out just a little bit more.

How is it that you can look at a virtual stranger's baby on the internet and all of the sudden your uterus is angry that you're not doing THAT with it and you want to snuggle the baby and kiss those cheeks because hot DAMN is she adorable?!

Her elf hair is fabulous. My lands. :)

Well, assvice is a dime a dozen, and I've got a pocketful of dimes if you want any bits from my own experience.
But you don't need it. You're doing great and doing what you can for yourself and your baby. You can't be a slave to the pump, you can only be a slave to your sweet, sweet baby.
You already know what's best for you and for Kara. And you have for the last 10 months.
Also? I LURVE the sleeping Kara in the bathroom. I remember those days like they were yesterday. Today? I showered with Henry playing peek-a-boo with the shower curtain and dodging bath toys being pitched in the tub!

I am loving the hair! She is so cute!

Oh my...those cheeks!

I have no good advice...I started Reglan today to pump up my volume...we'll see if it works.

I'm jealous that you can fit the entire bassinette into your bathroom. I used to bring in the infant carseat, and later the portable swing.

You'll get no flames or even an ounce of advice from me on the topic of breastfeeding...you've already put in two and a half weeks more than I ever did, and I applaud your efforts!

Not that you need it, you weren't asking for advice I know.

But it's okay, letting the frequent dance with the boob sucker go. Maybe not what you idealized, but sometimes perfect dreams and perfect reality are two totally different things.

the breast feeding thing, one of mine didn't for realistic reasons the other did, forever. In the end, I"m bonded to both, I adore both, both are healthy both get sick...

but most importantly, where you are right now, these moments right now, they are fleating so fast. A few posts down the line and you'll be showing us a picture of her 2nd birthday party, and talking about everything she can do, and you'll look back and tell the woman, mother you are now...

Let go, it's okay, really.

Now I'm crying, my baby turns three in march, how can that be?

BTW that beautiful little girl, is really that, so so beautiful.

I had the same problem and only made it to 6 weeks before absolutely having to give formula. I just had nothing left and there wasn't a thing anybody could do about it.

Now my son is 2, beautiful, and the most healthy, strapping little guy you could ever imagine.

No worries.

The hospital where I delivered both of my boys offered industrial-strength pumps for rent. That way I didn't have to make the financial investment and theirs were GREAT! When I was done, I took it back to the hospital. The rental cost was significantly less than purchasing one outright. Maybe something to cosider?

I agree, though, with another post: she doesn't look like she is suffering at all. Keep up the good work, Mom!

So so sweet! So sweet! Sweet sweet sweet sleeping girl. I think your honesty regarding your breastfeeding/pumping experience is going to make a lot of people feel better about their own situations. Good for you! And you're doing great, by the way. She's beautiful!

If I had it all to do over again, I'd choose Asher over the pump every single time. But I got an itchy pimply rash from the breastshields, so maybe I'm a little more biased.

Good for you for being levelheaded and thinking clearly. No guilt for you, Frema! That is the best parenting style there is. You rock.

Yep, I can taste that sweetness from here. Yummy!

As soon as I saw Kara's picture sleeping in the bathroom, my giant, 300 months pregnant butt dragged our bassinet across the apartment to see if ours would fit in the bathroom! (It didn't--damn you, tiny NYC apartments!) The vibra chair, however, fit perfectly. :)

She is absolutely delicious and looks like she is not suffering in the feeding department one bit. I went through months of supply issues and was hell bent on not giving into formula. If I had it to over again I'd give the formula in a heartbeat and cherish every moment of babyhood I could--it goes way too fast.

Oh my goodness, that baby is just stunning. On the boob juice, sweetie, only you know the answer to that one and it sounds to me like you're working it out one way or another. And in terms of the industrial strength pump, if you are not using one, it will be very difficult to maintain a supply if you are not nursing in addition to pumping. I had one at work (went back VERY early) and used to sniff a dirty baby T just to get the let down going. If you are using one and you're still drying up, well then maybe you just need to hold your baby and be all right. She looks pretty good to me!

I have loved your posts; it's like reading my autobiography. I'm so glad to hear how in love the three of you are. Having a wonderful partner around is great! I fell even more in love with my husband after Ainsley was born.

You are doing the right thing, just by trying to do the right thing! Congratulations on sticking with milk when it has not been easy. I struggled and cried too, and had no time for anything but pumping and feeding.

The only advice I'd give you, you already heard...a great double pump will make the difference between a VERY difficult job and a difficult job.

Your daughter is just great. Enjoy her, and feel proud of how hard you're working to keep her healthy and happy! She's a lucky girl!

Nummy baby. Love the hair.

Kara is looking great...I just want to gobble those cheeks!

My biggest challenge during breastfeeding was staying hydrated. If I didn't take in enough fluids, my supply dropped almost immediately. A day or two after dedicated water-guzzling, and my supply was back up. I had to drink about 80 oz a day to keep it up.

BTW, I love the 'do. Too cute!

My daughter took naps, rests and extended play times in her high chair while I got showers. She loved hanging out in her Baby Bjorn baby seat and I took advantage of this so I could feel fresh every day. I hope your baby continues to "let" you have this time.
Best of luck with the feeding. Whatever happens, you've got a sweet baby there! She'll benefit from your love however you deliver it. :) (But that's not to discount your conflicting emotions about it all...)

Kara is adorable - that HAIR!! My breastfeeding experience has been similar to yours, but I haven't had time to document it yet. That whole pump/clean/try the breast/soothe/change diaper routine IS very tedious but I agree that any breastmilk you can give her is worth it. Also more assvice: with all your spare time, check out www.drjacknewman.com for some more great info and tips on breastfeeding, in case you want to try with Kara on the breast again. I've gone to a couple of breastfeeding/postpartum support groups in my area that have been really supportive - you should check out what's available in Indy. With all that spare time ;) Keep enjoying Kara while you have these weeks of maternity leave - that's ultimately the most important thing.

Oh, man. I don't think you can ever post again without putting up at least one picture for all of us to oogle over. I can't get over that hair. :)

This idea might be coming after the fact but did you ever try feeding her using a nipple shield? It's a piece of plastic that covers your nipple and makes it easier for baby to latch on (also makes latching less painful.) It would probably feel similar to the bottle nipple for her so she might be willing to give it a try.

Just by caring so much you are doing the right thing. Just thought I'd offer another idea.

Okay, I'm late and everyone has already adored the HAIR...ME TOO, omg!!!

And as one pumping mom to another (assvice! I cannot help myselfffff), who once actually debated pumping WHILE feeding the baby a bottle (don't worry, I came to my senses and put the suction cups DOWN), MASSAGE YOUR BREASTS while you pump, aka "milking a cow" motion. Depressing, but most helpful. And I only got about 1-3 ounces total at each session the first 2-3 weeks.

And btw, I just love that you're still able to keep updating your blog - you are so honest about what it's really like to have a newborn...all the things I was too incoherent to write down. And still am.

Not sure if you have time for a mommy message board at this point (or if you already belong to a ton of them) but I have gotten endless support from the women on this one:


Absolutely beautiful baby!!!

You might want to try taking fenugreek pills (you can get them at a health food store or GNC). They really increased my milk supply! That way, you can pump out some more as long as you want.

Um, you are awesome. You are trying to do what is suppose to be best for your gorgeous mohawk haired child. Seriously I am impressed that you are hooking yourself to the old boob sucker 8-10 times a day!

Kara is more beautiful everyday...what a cute hairdo. I cannot wait to hold her again.

her hair is gorgeous - she needs a little bow :)

I suspect your ped will say the same thing mine did when my milk never came in (I tried mothers milk tea, I pumped, etc). He told me to stop beating myself up & feeling guilty b/c I tried and I need to do what is best for the baby, and if that means NOT doing what in your heart you thought you would, than its ok. I sat crying in his office b/c I felt like I had done something wrong. He assured me every visit until she turned one that it was ok.

And you know what, it is ok. I know you didnt ask for assvice, so I am sorry I am leaving it here. Just thinking of you b/c I've walked in your shoes. I think I know what you're feeling.

Adorable little girl. Just adorable.

The hair! The cheeks! She is so cute!!

As far as the breast feeding goes- do what you can because that is all you can really do.

Also, with my first, that is how I showered for the first three months!

Dang! That is one cute babe!

I STILL bring ash into the bathroom with me during my showers. Our bassinet even has handly wheels- he's never slept a night in it, but it was worth the $100 just to have a hot shower each day! He's nearing four months now, and even though he's getting to big for it, I'm milking it for as long as I can. Next up- the exersaucer!

And oatmeal/cheerios (or any of my other favorite cereals) makes my boobs blow up like balloons. Maybe it'd help with your milk volume, but I'm sure your LC has already told you that. Supply=demand in this scenerio, so here's to hoping you can give her your mama milk for as long as possible! :)

Oddly, that other Liza is not me. But she's right, Kara is adorable.

My only piece of assvice for you is to trust your instincts. You and Luke know how Kara is doing, how you're doing, and what choices work out to be the best overall for your family. No one else.

Kara will be a happy healthy little girl with wonderful parents, no matter what the details look like.

i've taken many a shower with a bouncy chair or exersaucer crammed into my tiny bathroom...i had to learn to do that when people were telling me that a week was too long to go without bathing. bwah.

I'm so immature. I'm still sniggering that you said "jugulars."

I don't know anything about pumping, but I love David McNelis's idea of duct-taping together some kind of walk around brassiere/pump/Batman belt contraption. Like an iPod! You'll be walking around with it on all the time and surprise the UPS man when you answer the door!

When my babies were babies, every shower I took was with them in their carseat right outside the shower. None of our bathrooms were big enough for the bassinette and all of mine had reflux anyway and the carseat was the best way to keep them upright and not spewing. I don't think my kids were harmed in any way by getting steamed on a daily basis!

You're doing great (like you needed me to tell you that) and your darling is just darling. What a wonderful family you make! Congrats and btw, thanks for making my uterus ache.

Hey, you just gotta do what you can and what is best for you and Kara. That's all I've got!

And sweetie, I still take my showers like that. (Although now he's trapped in a high chair and not a crib.) Momma's got to get a shower any way she can.

Yes, Kara has the sweetest face!

I remember the days of sneaking the shower during nap... I used to pop my girl into the carseat, and put the carseat in the stroller, and roll the whole contraption into the bathroom (with the shades on both carseat AND stroller pulled up, creating a sort of sleep cave for her...hee). I did that for an embarassingly long time. Now? I let her yak in her crib while I shampoo frantically. :) Best of luck to your little family! Your daughter is gorgeous!

I feel your pain at the not having the ability to keep pumping for my kids... i think i got a week in for my first one and even less for my second daughter.

she is so beatiful!!!

my hubs would so kick my back side if he knew i was looking at your site... makes me want another one.. and bad... sigh

OMG HER HAIR IS THE MOST AWESOMEIST EVER. I just wanted to know if you asked your ins if they covered the rental of a hospital grade pump (mine covers it for 3 months)the medila hospital grade well, that thing will suck the blood out of your finger if you let it..plus its free and won't cost you any extra while you try it out (sorry not trying to give assvice on pumping at all mearly giving assvice on how to save money through insurance)....WE NEED WAY MORE PICTURES OF THE HAIR!

It's a damn good thing you weren't asking for advice because any that I may have had (which was probably assvice) disappeared as soon as I saw sweet beautiful Kara sleeping in her bassinet. I just love her hair!!!!!

I love Kara's hair in those pictures. I used to put my son in his bouncy seat and bring him in the bathroom with me while I bathed. I think I did that until he was 8 or 9 months old. That bouncy seat worked WONDERS for us! :)

I just have to say, that is the absolute CUTEST thing I've ever seen! She is so adorable! :)
I never really have Zachary alone, but there have been a few times where it was just him and I, and I needed to shower. Thanks to the playpen (back in the day, when he was a baby) and elmo, I could take my shower. Even though I was so nervous, I was in and out in under 5 minutes. Now that he's 4 and a half, I don't dare to take a shower when it's him and I alone. I wait for daddy to get back, haha.

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