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February 21, 2008


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I had such an identity crisis when I was buying some stop-gap clothes after Charlie was born. I look at that stuff now and I'm like "What in the world was I thinking?" Fortunately it worked at the time and my old clothes fit soon after. Good luck and have fun shopping! I'm so happy to see you feeling upbeat about the transition!

I think she looks a lot like you, Frema.
Good luck with the shopping spree!

The look they sport while learning is so facinating to me. You can see their wheels spinning. She is so so sweet,well cute but I have to assume she is equally sweet.
Good luck with your shopping trip. Remember what Stacey and Clinton say, it doesnt matter what the tag reads if it fits! No one looks inside your pants. :)I remind myself of this A LOT!

Well, who WOULDN'T look blissed-out holding that little bundle of preciousness? Have fun shopping!

Good luck shopping. She is really adorable. Those cheeks are too cute!

and thoughts are with you as you prepare to head back to work.

Yay for baby pictures! Yay for new clothes! I'm glad that you're feeling more positive about returning to work!

The weight takes time, but consider this as well - your bone structure has changed, too. So even if you get all Kiera Knightley skinny (NOT that you'd want to!), you still might not fit into your old stuff exactly the way you used to. So yey! Shopping! Have fun!

PS* Super cute baby. I wish I knew you personally so I could squeeze her a bit too.

You know, it is so weird how your body changes. I can't fit into a lot of my old clothes, even though I know I weighed more at one point pre-pregnancy than I do now. Have fun shopping! :)

And Kara, as always... just precious.

Good luck with the shopping spree and try not to get frustrated! I've been a lot frustrated when I can't find pants that fit my 4-months-post-partum-but-looks-5-months-pregnant stomach. Grrr.

But I am blissed out too, just looking at you adorable little baby with the fabulous hair.

Good luck with the shopping. Remember it's supposed to be fun.

And how cute is little Kara with your sister and Molly?! It makes me want to get knocked up. (Sort of.)

I love the "praying Kara" photo. I about die every time I see Babboo fold his arms for prayers. When he says "amen" at the end, I do die.

She is so cute, Frema! I especially love the third picture of her. What a face!

I could look a pics of Kara all day!!1 She is gorgeous!

She is a beautiful baby! I can't believe it is almost time for you to go back to work...time flies! Good luck with the shopping...have fun with it!

The pregnant ladies and little Kara are too cute. My ovaries can't handle the pictures though. I NEED A BAYBEEEEEEE!! ;-)

Good Lord she is adorable...and your very own little mini-me. I so want to grab her little legs. Oh, and the praying comment cracked me up.

Clothes don't make the person, but they are needed to move about in public. They are tools to do the job. It is good to not have to work to get dress to go to work. The amount of required stuff dependence upon what is need to move through the work week and maybe into the next week, as well. Love the baby pictures.

She is simply beautiful!!

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