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March 19, 2008


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You look great and YAY to the weight loss.
Kara is gorgeous, as always.

Woo Hoo! Good for you! Maybe it was the eating out that got the ball rolling. And to test that theory, I say we do it again! :)

I second Sarah's theory! :-) Good job! I think you've just inspired me!!

Horrah! That disgustingly large piece of carrot cake I ate half of at the bloggerfest + the easter candy I've been scarfing have me moving in the opposite direction. Sigh.

You are GLOWING! And your little one is super precious.

Congrats! That is encouraging!

Is this the year of the frog? I swear every onesie has a frog on it.

Well, hooray!

Isn't that the greatest feeling? It kind of makes up for all the times I step on the scale sure I'm going to see a loss after a whole week of good eating and exercise and it's still stuck at the same number. Hooray for freebie pounds lost, and hooray for that adoable baby that LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE YOU.

Well, you looking freaking fabulous. As does that little peanut of yours!

Frema, you look FANTASTIC.

Oh, and Kara is getting more and more delicious-er, too.

yay! It happens just a bit at a time, but eventually it'll all be gone if you keep doing what you're doing :) Congrats, woo!


I hate you. Okay, not really. But you ARE losing weight and have a supremely gorgeous daughter. A little jealousy is allowed, no?

Yaaaaay! Don't you think positive reinforcement is way more constructive than feeling guilty?

Frema, motherhood totally agrees with you!!

You look beautiful, and full of joy. Good work with the walking. Its all a process of give and take, take a little corn beef... hehe :) Love the froggie sleepers!

That is AWESOME! Congrats!!! I definitely know first hand how hard it can be.
I have got to start doing better with my own weight loss. I've gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks and I'm super bummed about it. I have been trying desperately to eat better, and working out more. I have been trying to get to my weight goal for years now and I've inched closer and closer, but still stand 15 pounds from getting there. I say now is the time!

That picture of you and Kara is absolutely adorable! Probably one of my favorites!

You look GREAT!!! And Kara, as usual, is a beauty. Congrats on pounds lost!

Good job. It will average out over time. A little bit at a time will add up to a big difference over time.

Congratulations, you look great! Kara is too cute, as always, and I love the sleeper. Hope you're well on your way to finding your groove.

Way to go! I am jealous of your weight loss!! I've been maintaining, but can't seem to lose the couple of pounds I've gained. I keep telling myself, it must be muscle...right? :-)

Kara is so precious!

Don't be so hard on yourself about the weight! It is obvious you are living a good lifestyle and an active one at that.

P.S. I love that you dressed your baby girl in BLUE pajamas with FROGS. I actually bought dinosaur pajamas for my own baby girl the other day. They were just too damned cute to pass up. Gender stereotypes be damned. I LOVE dinosaurs. And frogs!

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