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May 02, 2008


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Nah, you aren't a dork. (At least not because of the business cards! Just kidding!)

Tons of people will bring their cards. How else are you supposed to keep in touch with the newly interesting people you talk with that evening?

Show us the business cards!

Here's a bloggy question - How do you deal with having so much personal (possibly embarrassing) stuff about you on the internet, and then allowing 'real' people to know about it? I always think of post ideas, but then reconsider when I remember that an in-real-life acquaintance or friend might see it someday.

while i loved my moo cards, your cards--just by the difference in size and shape--were memorable and delightful. likewise, i love your new header.
go you!

I love the new look! Very cool. Very fresh.

Also, you are such a dork! LOL ;-)

I like the new design! It's calming but cute ... if that makes any sense.

I love the new design!!! It is very Frema!


and I don't think your a dork for taking business cards to your reunion. I think you're smart.

(And really, you'll give the URL to high school people? You are way braver then I am! I'm proud of you.)

Love, love, LOVE the new look, Frema! It's so cute and simple. I absolutely love it.

You have my respect for being brave enough to hand out your URL to your high school friends. I just recently linked mine on my Facebook, and that alone took me forever to build up enough courage.

Good for you!! Have fun at the reunion.

Good idea about the business card. That is agood net working idea in a good place.

Yay, for the fresh new look! A "face lift" every once in a while is nice. It felt so good to do that to my blog. I guess as we change, our blogs will evolve, too.
You should absolutely hand out your cards at your reunion. Once they see one picture of Kara, they are going to be addicted. ;)

I just took a second look at your graphic and noticed that it says "your mom-ist." You're officially my hero now.

Aw, the new design is so cute, yet so clean and crisp. LOVE IT. (Says a fellow doodler!)

Nice digs. I didn't like Moo cards so much, they got lost in all the little crannies and crevices of my bags and purse. And it's true, we now need to see the cards.

Your new header and writer brand is perfect. I notice it even includes "your mom."

I was thinking about going to the conference too....now that you'll be there I just might have to also, like for real now.

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    What can anyone do to me?"
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