When visiting the phlebotomist at my ob/gyn's office yesterday, I couldn't sit still. "It's OK," she joked as she grabbed my arm to keep it steady. "It's going to be just fine."
And I really did think it would be. I walked to my car and drove home and picked up Luke and Kara so we could meet the realtor who will help us buy our first home. I figured I would call the office in the morning to confirm my negative pregnancy test and finally get on with my life already.
But at 8:30 a.m., the results weren't in. "It usually takes 24 to 48 hours," droned the receptionist, not understanding my urgency. "We'll call you."
As I was packing up for the day, I decided to call one more time. Because HELL NO was I waiting until Monday.
I’m pretty sure it was the same receptionist, because once again, she acted like finding out whether or not I had a human being in my uterus wasn't that big a deal and didn't she say they would call when they had news?
(She didn't say that. But I know she was thinking it. Bitch.)
I heard shuffling of papers.
"Well, the test came up positive, but we didn't check your levels, so…"
My stomach dropped. "Excuse me?"
"The test is positive."
"The test is positive?"
"Yes." She sounded slightly annoyed. Women get knocked up every day; what's one more, right?
And then I was grabbing my purse and hauling ass out of work as fast as my legs could carry me because I knew I was going to cry and I didn’t want anyone to see.
By the time I got to my car, I was hysterical. Perfect time to tell Luke.
"I'M PREGNANT," I wailed.
"OK… Honey, are you OK?"
And I was.
My doctor called last night. The plan is to schedule a full work-up in about three weeks. Because I've only had one cycle since Kara was born, and because I still haven't scored positive on a pee stick yet, we need some help with an exact due date. My guestimate? Is February.
I suppose we’ll need a lot of help until then.
Excerpted from Parental Discretion Advised, originally published on Parents.com. Copyright 2008 by Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.