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September 17, 2008


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Question. Where in all of hell did you find those blocks. no where I go has blocks! Not even the babiesrus! The one set I've found are wooden and as my son likes to chew on things and I don't want to pluck splinters from his tongue. Hell no. help?

oh ... BOY !!!!!!!! :)
snips and snails and puppy dog tales ...

(although I have no idea on Earth why this is what little boys are made of, do you?)

Congrats on your baby boy!

Congrats again on Baby Brother! (Is that his internet name, or will he get a cool moniker like "Freka" until he makes his debut?) Those outfits are adorable. We had several of the same ones when Dean was little. I didn't expect boy clothes to be fun, what with no hair bows, but they are!

Wow, I didn't realize your closing was so soon! You will be so relieved to have keys-in-hand, I know. Yep, think you found the inspiration for your kitchen there. The creamy color you chose sounds nice.

I love Kara. She is such a cutie and SMART! Hard to believe 9 months went by so fast!

Summer: Those blocks are Parents (hehe- you know the site she writes for!) You can get them at Target.

We took Nathan to PI
and they did a so-so job. They take so many shots you will end up with a package you are happy with- but go in with a # in mind, the are big on the up-sell.
Good luck getting all of your ducks in a row with your house projects. I know in the end all of the hard work will be worth it.

Also, YAY BOYS! :)

Congratulations! You're going to have so much fun with a boy! Now you get to live my life - one boy, one girl, ridiculously close in age...crazy times, but an adventure worth having, for sure.

Congratulations again to both of you!

Oh my goodness, a boy! Congratulations. I have to ask (just to see if all men are like my husband), is Luke trying to pass the little dude's "leg" off as his um, impressive "manhood"? We had a similar angle and image with Dom and Tony was always pointing to his leg when telling people it was a boy. Rolling eyes.

Also, Kara is still the cutest thing. I just want to gobble up her little cheeks. She's everything a little baby should be.

Hey a salt and pepper set! Oh, ahem, riiiight. So happy for you guys, Kara and Baby Brother. The kids are going to have so much fun together.

Also, woo-hoo County Line! We're still hoping to make it there this fall, baby and all. :o)

Yay for boys! Congrats.

Congratulations on your little boy! I have to admit, I'm in awe of how you're handling all the stuff that's going on! Your little girl is growing cuter by the day, you bought a house, you work full-time, you're having a baby next year, and you've also got a husband who loves spending time with you AND your head hasn't exploded! Well done!!!

I am behind, so I'll catch up now: congrats on the baby boy and the awesome new house! After we bought our house 5 years ago, I wandered around looking at things like light switches and doorknobs, thinking, "That's ours. That's ours. That's ours, too!"

Re: baby boy clothes pic- I have the stripey lion outfit at the top left. Isn't it adorable with the little tassle on the hood?

It's SO hard not to compare my kid to your little genius! She says mama and dada? Really? Amazing.

Cute boy clothes. As Amalah said though, better bring on the 3-6 month onesies! And as Erika said, congrats on not having an exploded head with all the stuff you have going on!

Congratulations on your son! Baby clothes are awesome.

Glad things are going so well - if crazily.

Congrats on the boy! Love the apple picture! Too cute!

Congratulations on the boy! HOw fun to get to buy all the cute little blue and sporty things! Our first is a girl too and I never thought I would look forward to the day where i could buy some little clothes with trains and cars on them but I DO!

You are having the same as I...girl first, boy second, really close together. And I will say: I LOVE LOVE LOVE having a girl and a boy, and I ADORE the fact that my daughter is the older one. I have a friend who had the boy first girl second, and the dynamic isn't nearly as awesome as mine. Older sisters are awesome when they're preschool age.

And I totally always use Portrait Innovations. They're awesome.

CONGRATULATIONS on having a boy, yay!!! Hmmm I wonder what name you guys will pick. I know what your favorites are, but I don't have a clue about Luke's. Anyhow, hope the closing goes well today and when you come in town in October, give me a ring, hopefully I'll be around to see you guys!

Love ya tons!

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