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October 15, 2008


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Kara looks so cute and grown up (like a 2 year old!) in that picture. I also love the way she's standing, with her foot pointed out like a ballet dancer's. I can't wait to see how cute baby brother is!

Kara looks so sweet standing up like a big girl! I have very fond memories of watching Chasing Amy and Clerks thousands of times when I was in high school. I glad you found good homes for your memorabilia!

OH EM GEE!!! Am full of glee :) Will be sure to treat him good. (Husband also v. VERY enthusiastic!)

Am off to gmail now.

(Also, seriously cute outfit on a seriously cute baby!)

Yesssssss! I love being a winner! And Clerks would have been my first choice, so even better!

Of course, my husband was sitting here reading over my shoulder and I showed him what I won and told him I was going to give the comics to my brother. Then Tim was all "Oh, no thoughts about whether your husband might want them?" So now I may have to have a drawing of my own, but either way some man in my life will be very happy about this!

Thanks, Frema!

Holy moley! She looks like a toddler! I love it.. she's so precious!

What a beautiful girl you have! She looks so grown-up in her pretty outfit!
Congrats to the winners! This was inspiring. Maybe I can start giving stuff away on my blog. Everyone loves a good contest. Enjoyed the photos!

Kara looks so big and cute! I am also glad to see someone sporting similar hair to my little one - what can you do with baby hair when it isn't long enough for a pony tail but let if go wild!

Uh oh...this post kind of made me want a baby.

How cute is Kara in that last picture? Love the overalls!

Oh she's getting so big!!! and, you look great!!

LOVE Kara's dress. And your belly! But yeah, nerdy contest? Not my cup of tea. If you're ever giving away BSC stuff though? I'll be all over it!

Oh and Megan is TOTALLY JEALOUS of Kara's hair. Truly amazing.

Oh my, who is that big girl standing there next to you? Frema, she really is awful darn cute.

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but Kara really does look so much older in that first picture.

Spreading the wealth is a good thing. Taxing the wealth to spread the wealth around is a good way to move help to others.

Kara is a beautiful baby! That is my favorite age for babies, they are absorbing the world! (It's amazing, she looks like a such big girl in the first picture!)

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