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December 16, 2008


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Happy Birthday Kara! It's a pleasure to share my birthday with such a precious little girl.

Bree, I'm glad you survived the traumatic trip to the ER.

Happy birthday Kara! You definitely like to make the grand, dramatic entrances (into the world) and exits (from your first year, sob sob). Can't wait for the montage....I'm getting my kleenex ready!

Happy Birthday Kara!

Bree: It seems like only yesterday that you were stating your intent to start trying and now here you are with a 1 year old and another on the way. Amazing.

I am glad that even when sick she likes to play! Hope she is feeling better today and can have cake sometime soon!

Happy Birthday to Kara! Wow, she looks like such a big girl in that popsicle picture. Glad the illness was nothing serious.

Poor, poor Kara, but also poor momma and daddy! Glad she's on the mend.

Everything is fine. It was a great party. I am glad to have been there. Joy of Joy.

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
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