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May 04, 2009


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This kinda made my day. Love the captions, especially Nathan's. He's a funny dude. Glad you guys had a good visit!

Give it time, I bet Nathan and Marin will be sweethearts yet! Poor Kara, she looks so tired in the last picture! It's amazing how quickly they can go from fun to freaked out!

Great captions ("all that and a bag of Pampers!!!!" Freakin hilarious!
Glad you all had fun!

Those two Nathan-with-big-wide-eyes photos are awesome!

And I can't BELIEVE how much hair Kara has. She is beautiful.

Probably never gets mistaken for a boy.


re: Marin as a Cougar.

Too funny. I'd write LOL, but then I'd have to punch myself.

A good time was had by all. They are all doing so very well. The moms,too.

This looks so fun! It's so wonderful to have family friends like this.

When did Kara become a little GIRL? I am sure you hear this all the time, but she looks SO MUCH LIKE YOU. She's beautiful!

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