... cut his first tooth yesterday! And even though he's been screaming his fool little head off at random intervals throughout the night for the last few days AND gnaws on everything in sight AND is at the prime age for teething, it was still a complete shock for me to come home from work and spot a shiny white nugget in his bottom gums while shoveling peas into his pie hole. In my defense, Kara's first tooth didn't make an appearance until she was ten months old; I just assumed Nathan would follow suit. It's almost like each child is born with unique physical and developmental character traits. Wow, what a theory! Now excuse me while I curl into a fetal position and mourn the loss of his innocence.
... grunts and babbles all day long, entertaining us with sounds like nuh and rrrrrr, mamamama and dadadada and even "Yay!" at dinner tonight. I think. But only because I said it first.
... freaks out when left alone eighty percent of the time.
... is still comfortably rocking the nine-month clothing despite consuming solids three times a day and boasting limbs that now resemble tree stumps instead of sticks. At this point Kara was close to outgrowing her TWELVE-month wardrobe, so again, more head-scratching on our parts.
... continues to build upper- and lower-body strength by pulling up on anything he can get his hands on--the couch, activity table, my foot, a chair. Over the weekend, just for kicks, I planted him in front of Kara's baby doll stroller and I'll be damned if he didn't push that sucker clear across the room. And did it again once I turned him around. What is happening to my widdle-bitty baby? Doesn't he realize that hitting all these milestones only makes Momma feel old and weepy?
... will finally get baptized on the first of next month at our new parish. What do little boys wear to baptisms when beyond the newborn age? Please advise.
... has hair long enough to brush his forehead.
... likes to crane his head to look up at me when I sit him on my lap during dinner and waits patiently until I plant a closed-lip kiss on his mouth and hum until he laughs.
... loves pictures of real animals more than illustrations, just like his sister.
... has little to no interest in holding his own bottle.
... thinks diaper changes are now torturous punishments from God.
... still can't crawl properly in pants or sleepers.
... is getting heavier and heavier to sport around in the Maclaren, but I'm not ready to give up on baby-wearing quite just yet.
... is finally taking naps that are consistently longer than thirty minutes.
... scrambles towards me eagerly when I come home from work, anxious to grab onto any part of me within his reach.
... is quite the snuggler, oftentimes nuzzling his face into my neck and flapping his arms around my shoulders when I pick him up, especially after a long day.
... is one of the most fun people I know.
Thanks for noticing me.
Strike a pose. There's nothing to it! "Help! I'm in a nutshell! How did I get into this bloody great big nutshell? What kind of shell has a nut like this?"
One of his last toothless pictures. (Sniffle.) Seriously, what is going on with my baby?!
Wow! How time flys. Changes at different rates all the time. He has moved right ahead in his young life.
Posted by: daddyd | October 09, 2009 at 06:57 AM
You might try a ring sling or one of those ergo carriers. When B got to heavy for me to comfortable wear in the bjorn, I switch to a ring sling. Can't belive I didn't start with a ring sling--much more comfortable!
Posted by: Shawnna | October 09, 2009 at 08:00 AM
Seriously seems like yesterday that he was born! And now look at him. My they grow fast.
Posted by: Kelly | October 09, 2009 at 08:47 AM
What a sweetheart! I can't believe he's already old enough to have teeth. That monkey outfit may be the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can't believe Dean didn't have one. We are all about the monkeys over here. Happy 8 months, Nathan!
Posted by: Jen L. | October 09, 2009 at 09:21 AM
Our little guy didn't get baptized until he was 9 months old, so we opted for khaki pants and a button up shirt. He looked very handsome.
Posted by: Valerie | October 09, 2009 at 10:21 AM
I just can't get over how big and handsome he is. I feel like he should still be 3 months!
I had the same epiphany with teeth. Rowan didn't get her first until she was 11 months and I was completely shocked when Keaton got his first at 5 months.
Not sure what your church advises, but we are Catholic and had to have a white garment to put them in (I think this is universal?). Most religious stores carry little outfits that go up to 12 months, but the boy stuff is, well, kinda ugly. We ended up getting Keaton one but at his baptism a mom had just gotten her son a plain white sleeper (the Gap ones with the tiny bear patch) and I was like "Um, duh?" and also"Wow! That would have been much cheaper!"
Keep up the good napping, Nathan!
Posted by: rkmama | October 09, 2009 at 10:30 AM
I can't believe Nathan is 8 months!!! That monkey outfit is adorable and totally destroys my myth that boy clothes aren't as cute as girl clothes.
Megan got her first tooth at four and a half months so I've always assumed that if we have a second, he/she will be exactly the same. DUH! Your epiphany is probably right! Each child is an individual!!
Posted by: eva | October 09, 2009 at 11:59 AM
He's so adorable! Congrats on the first tooth!
Posted by: Parsing Nonsense | October 09, 2009 at 04:29 PM
I cannot wait until the big boy is doing all those wonderful things at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
I think that one of the little boys at Kara's baptism wore a long white dress. However, any nice outfit would do. Perhaps, Nathan's Daddy does not want to go with the dress deal, and Jesus does not care either way.
Posted by: Grandma Molly | October 09, 2009 at 05:37 PM
Oh my God I am such a bad sister. It's been ages since I've read your blog. Shame, shame. I'm so excited to learn about Nathan's 1st tooth! He looks like such a little boy in the pictures Breain! I can't wait to see you guys! I can't believe he pushed the frickin' cart across the room. Danny was just learning to do that at your house last July! Holy moley. In regards to the baptism, they have baptismal outfits ranging in all sizes...or you could just put him in a nice dress outfit, or a suit. Whatever you guys want. All the focus will be on that handsome little face. I love you!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Sissy | October 09, 2009 at 11:58 PM
I've looked again at Nathan in the box picture. He has continued a family tradition of getting into some kind of box. His uncle got into a stove one time when he was little, but his mom did not think it was the thing to do. The dad had taken a picture of that stove drawer with him getting into it. He was being watched the whole adventure. Still, that was not good enough. Nathan's box is a lot safer.
Posted by: daddyd | October 11, 2009 at 09:20 PM
I can't believe he is getting so big. He's adorable. Every time Nick hits a new milestone it makes me weepy. And he's 18-months. It almost makes me want to have another.
Posted by: Cookie | October 12, 2009 at 08:15 AM
I have to laugh at the diaper change. AJU5 still runs away or stands up 95% of the time!
Posted by: AJU5's Mom | October 12, 2009 at 12:17 PM
ADORABLE!!! Santino didn't get baptised until he was that age as well. We went to JC Penny and they had baptism outfits in all kinds of sizes. (We didn't end up buying one, and just had him wear a little suit which was awesome!)
Posted by: massageon | October 14, 2009 at 11:46 AM
Just for comparison's sake - mine has 4 teeth as of 7 months old, but doesn't say much of anything other than daddadadad, freaks out likes yours, is all about the 9 month clothes, is right there with Nathan on pulling up on everything and God's punishment, can't crawl in pants either, is taking longer naps, and also scrambles and flaps arms. Just so you know your little one isn't crazy all by himself. :)
Posted by: Katie | October 14, 2009 at 11:48 PM
I really don't know where to start!!!. WOW 8 months already. Congrats on the first tooth, and as comments above: I can totally relate to the feeling, when Sarah had her 4 teeth break out, at 4 months old (yes I know 4 at once, horrible). I though, what happened?? When did time fly by?? Where is my baby???
But oh well they have to grow, even though we don't want to. :)
For the baptism, anything that you know he is feeling comfortable in, (of course for the big event has to be super cute), but something that you know he is comfortable in. Because if he is not comfortable, he will make sure that you know and then caos will come, and then you wont be able to enjoy such a wonderful milestone.
Well thats my thinking. Hope it helps
Posted by: Su | October 17, 2009 at 11:26 PM