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November 09, 2009


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We can do this race. We WILL do it!

Re. spending time with the husband: I've been neglecting this myself and we have been paying the price...drifting apart, miscommunicating...it's no good at all. Don't let yourselves get there. A little pocket $ for a babysitter will pay out in the end.

My husband and I never were ones to go out. So, it is a little easier for us since watching a movie in our house was a typical "date night" for us. But, the past week or so we haven't been able to because (a) AJU5 has demanded to stay up a few times, (b) Halloween, and (c) random phone calls from family and friends at night. And I can tell we have both missed the nights of movie and popcorn! Hopefully you will find someone soon you trust to watch your kids!

And good luck training for the half marathon. I am not a runner due to knee issues, but the idea of running that far just scares me!

I think it's *awesome* that you've bumped up your half-marathon to May. You can totally do it, because run/walk is TOTALLY an option. Even if you walk the whole thing? You've still done more than most people ever will. You rock, yo, and you're going to be awesome.

I admire all that you are able to achieve, even with your limited free time. I turn 30 this month, acutally this Wednesday, and I would like to be able to run a 5k too. I have taken up knitting though. I'm old.

I am so excited for you in your half marathon, and can't wait to hear more about it, and your training. (Like, do you get cramps right beneath your rib cage that make you want to die? Because holy freaking hell...and I am running like a no-K as of yet.)

We're here in the boat with you on spending time together. I read something quick over the weekend that noted the time parents raise children as the time in their lives that they are the furthest apart from each other, and that their closeness will return after children are grown...though less than fifty percent of marraiges last that long. How comforting!

We've never been able to fall into a routine, in seven years of parenting now. Sometimes we go out on a date once in two months, and other times not for six months. It's horrible. We try, really hard, to make kid post-bedtime our time, and that's about all I can give us. We take drives, a lot, listening to music and talking while everyone plays, naps or argues in the back seat, and we try to enjoy each others' company in our family outings. It's what we've got, for now, and we aren't finished adding to the bunch yet. We're making it, though, enjoying what we're doing and working through the rest. If you lived close, we would sooo trade babysitting services with each other...OFTEN. :)

You will do awesome in the race! The feeling of finishing 13.1 miles is amazing. Seriously, really amazing.

I am already looking for my next race...

Life is so busy than at times it seems like things don't get done. And maybe they don't get finished up. But then life is on going so nothing is ever done. Things come back to us sooner or later. The joy just flows with the work that is getting done (as the best it can get done). Then that situation is the best that can be at that time.

Congrats on signing up for the half-marathon! That's huge. Also date nights are such a life-saver. My husband and I started doing them in January. We do have the luxury of having his family nearby and his mom watches them for us.

I finally sat down long enough to read your whole post! Congrats on your running--that's awesome that you have found that as an outlet for yourself. You're rockin it! You look great, too.

I hope Kara's all mended. It's so scary when the babies are sick.

Oh, the babysitting debacle. We have students who are willing and able, but are pretty strapped for funds. Most of our nights out revolve around work functions, which is fine, but every once in a while, I'd like to wear something cute and be treated to a dinner someplace where I can face the table. (intead of the highchair) I hope you find a good sitter for the kiddos so you can Luke can get some time to reconnect.
*Incidentally, Facebook just suggested I reconnect with my husband. What the hell?

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