« Twenty-something | Main | One year, again »

January 23, 2010


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He is one very cute boy. He has changed so much in a year. I love that you keep us posted on his growth.

What a gorgeous boy he's becoming! He looks like such a total toddler now. It's absolutely amazing. I am really impressed with how much he's "talking" .... sounds like way way more than Megan had at 11 months, which was approximately no words at all:)

I can't believe he is almost 1! He seems to be a smart, strong little guy!

What a handsome guy- seriously, your kids are beautiful! And walking and talking, and eating... I love reading your updates, keep them coming!

WOW!!! 1 year already
He looks so cute

WOW-he has changed so much already! PS I did not get the family picture from your 10 year update! BTY HAPPY 30th!

Love AD

Horrah for walking. And those little hands around your neck are the closest things to angel hugs I can imagine. I never want them to end!

He is mighty handsome! I can't believe he's almost 1. How dare he do that to you. Does he not know that Kara just hit 2? Gah.

What a happy guy he is in life and in his pictures!

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