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January 05, 2010


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They got awesome loot. And Nathan's reindeer feet kind of made my day. (When did he get so big?!!?) Our kids could totally hang out--they have complimentary toys! Dean got a Little People farm and garage and 2 mega-block trucks. Barnyard Dance is one of our favorites!

The holidays are overwhelming, especially for all of us with December/January babies. Dean got so much stuff from his grandparents that it took us almost a full week to finish opening his Christmas gifts.(He'd get distracted, so we'd give up for a while.) By then, it was time for his birthday party. Fortunately, we were able to clean out some old toys and bring in the new.

So glad your holidays were happy!!

Hey, Kayla got that same phone! I think it's super nifty! And she was big on tearing only 3 inches of paper at a time as well... when she was interested in the paper. She did much better with bags and tissue paper. And our present opening lasted much longer than I would have liked as well but my MIL went crazy with the presents so that combined with a slow opener and more of a desire to chew on a computer manual than actually opening gifts made for a long Christmas day. lol. Fun times!

I love that you just came out and said it: the balance of "plastic crap" and handmade stuff/books. That's exactly how I refer to Megan's toys: plastic crap. In the most affectionate way possible because she LOVES plastic crap!

And I love how you didn't overdo Christmas. The whole point of the holiday is ... something about being together with the family and the manger birth right? Sounds like you hit it spot on. Kids don't need much fanfare at all, and I think too much is just too stressful for all involved.

See the picture of Nathan amidst the blocks? Holding the phone? ...That look on his face?? "Hey, Ma! Would you mind a little privacy here? I'm tryin to call my godmotha on Christmas!"

(No, I don't know where his New York accent came from either. But what a sweet boy he is to call me for the holidays.)

Christmas jammies are the best. So is Barnyard Dance. So glad you got to enjoy your Christmas, what a difference a year can make!

Sounds like a great Christmas. I did learn this year that making Christmas dinner isn't too hard, but it does make Christmas morning a little less fun...

Nice balance of all factors in putting together their Christmas. Good job to all.

And you have created some very warm and fond memories. The Kara viewing the cookies that Santa ate and Kara wearing the stocking are memorable moments.

Since our family traveled at Christmas, I am not sure how many memories we created for our sons. However, as a child I have a few fond memories, once my mother read the Christmas story from Luke (my favorite version), and another time my dad and I went to pick out a Christmas tree at a seed store on Christmas Eve. We did not have a car so we brought the tree home in a wooden wagon.

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