Not Nathan. Me. Because even the idea of chopping off my secondborn's beautiful golden curls was enough to trigger a small heart attack. Can you blame me? Kara's managed for two and a half years without so much as a trim.* Why should Nathan have been any different? So what if he occasionally gets mistaken for a girl? He's manly. He can handle it.
See? Orange shirt. Alligators. Manly!
Sadly, though, his father cannot. And since neither of us has the ability to do good hair, we made an appointment with a chain whose name just happens to rhyme with Bookie Butters.
Okay, even I admit, the boy could pass for one of Ricky Bobby's hooligan sons here. Coming at you like a spider monkey!
Once the boy was strapped into his tractor-chair and looking appropriately confused as to what the heck was going on, my initial request involved simply cleaning up his bangs so he could once again experience life without being blinded by a veil of human hair. But when the stylist asked about the back, I just froze like a deer in headlights (not the curls!) while Luke practically had to be restrained from doing the deed himself.
Those cuuuurls! Be still, my heart.
Nathan was a champ from start to finish, though he did seem a little taken aback at the thought of losing his mullet. I wept for the both of us.
It's too early for bathtime, so why did this woman just spray water on my head?
This is my "confused but adorable" face. You like?
First they take my breakfast bottle, and now this? Oh, the humanity!
Hmmm. Well. I do appear rather dashing now, don't I? Presidential, even. Now excuse me a moment whilst I stare thoughtfully at some random object and mentally compose my acceptance speech.
Not so fast, Little Boo Boo. Momma's not done with you just yet.
Nathan is shedding his babyhood faster than I can blink. At his 15-month well-baby visit two weeks ago, he clocked in at a respectable 24 pounds and measured 32 inches long. He is bottle-free and getting better and better with using utensils; he is also fiercely independent and will at times scream his bloody head off if you even think about trying to assist him (though he definitely still needs the help). He loves cheese and bread and carrots and will eat almost anything you put in front of him, on his own timeframe. He says dozens of new words almost every day and learns even more by chirping "Is it? Is it?" while pointing to the next big thing.
He adores birds and is fascinated by ants. He sleeps with his pacifier, a blanket, and a stuffed duckie that Kara received from Luke's parents before she was born. He'll give you a kiss, but only if you ask. His current go-to books include Because a Little Bug Went Ka Choo!, Are You My Mother?, Penguin Pete, Busy Bunnies, Animal Babies in Seas, The Rainbow Fish, Shapes, and Elmer and the Lost Teddy. He still loves blocks, puzzles, Kara's tea set, and our Little People collection. During walks through our subdivision and on our trail, he's been spending more and more time outside the stroller and running around to study rocks, sticks, and leaves. He watches some TV but never seems too terribly interested in it. He loves Kara with a passion and takes all of her "aggressive" hugs, kisses, and sharing attempts in stride.
He is a bubble of personality, and I can hardly believe how lucky I am, to be able to call him my son.
* Her appointment is this week, only not at Bookie Butters because we would never be able to tear her away from the slide. Getting her out the door was the hardest part of the appointment!
He's so handsome! I cried like a freak at Dean's first haircut and saved every strand they snipped in an envelope. It's a hard thing for us moms. Mr. Nathan is fantastic.
Posted by: Jen L. | May 18, 2010 at 01:09 PM
What a handsome boy!
Posted by: Trilby | May 18, 2010 at 01:57 PM
I am not sure how I am going to feel about cutting AJU6's hair. We cut AJU5's at 20 months because it was getting wild and in her face. Hopefully AJU6 will last until at least a year!
Posted by: AJU5's Mom | May 18, 2010 at 02:08 PM
What a cute kid/handsome big boy!. I can't believe how blonde he is - love it!
Posted by: eva | May 18, 2010 at 02:10 PM
I'm impressed you went that long without cutting it. Mine got hers cut at 11 months, again at 13 months, and I just did the bangs myself this weekend at 15+ months(b/c who wants to pay $15-$20 to cut off 18 strands of hair!). I'm also super impressed at his vocabulary... mine only says about 4 words and everything else is da da or ba ba. One day I'll want her to shut up so I'll enjoy the lack of constant talking for now. :-)
Posted by: Kathleen | May 18, 2010 at 03:38 PM
He looks so handsome! Maggie has only had a trim (by me) and I still don't plan on having it cut anytime soon! She will be the girl in kindergarten with the hair down to her knees!
Posted by: Bren | May 18, 2010 at 04:41 PM
Our boy has a mighty sweet face with or without curls.
Posted by: Grandma Molly | May 18, 2010 at 07:07 PM
I was afraid to see the last pics. I didn't want to see him with no hair. He is such a cute little guy. I am so happy to see that he still has hair. He grew so fast. I had my boys back in the 80's. I never let them have hair cuts. I still hear about it as if they were abused.I think little boys look so sweet with some hair and your boy is way sweet.Kisses for Nathan.
Posted by: debi | May 19, 2010 at 05:24 AM
You know, he's so cute that the hair just doesn't matter so much- though I feel your pain. We had to take the hair cut plunge at 9 months with Keaton. I butchered his bangs so badly there was no choice, and since the kid was born with a full head of hair that he never lost, it was his time. Still so hard though! He has to have regular cuts now, but we still keep it pretty moppy. I'm thinking short for the summer but don't know if I have it in me. Good luck with Kara!
Posted by: rkmama | May 19, 2010 at 03:57 PM