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October 06, 2010


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great post! I still love reading them!

Well thought out. The long term operational mode for us has been to pretty much live within one income. The other when we had it was saved and not spent. That has worked out over the long term.

Wonderful Post! "Living honestly" What a great phrase. There is not need to keep up with the Jones...they're in debt too! We are on the Dave Ramsey plan. It has been an adjustment, but we are loving it!! So far we have paid off Dans school loans and my Odessey (which we bought brand spanking new in 09) Working my my school loans now. As for our house, instead of paying this one off, we are saving to buy the next one with cash. We still make contributions to the 401K, but only what it matched. We've stopped adding extra. We have never had credit card debt...which seems to help the transistion to cash only.
I loved what you said about "What is it worth to you?" Forking over cash can truely make you rethink the "worth" of something.
You are changing the legacy of your family...Congratulations!!!!!

Fan.freaking.tastic post. I have lots to say, but it would take up far too much space. So I'll just say HOLY CRAP when did Nathan get so big?

Great post, thanks for sharing so much of your inside voice with us so honestly yet again!
Why are you selling the house? Where are you going? Did I miss something???

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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