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December 01, 2010


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Well, that makes the conversation easier! I am glad AJU5 was too little to understand too much when I was pregnant with AJU6 because I am not looking forward to those conversations.

I love Kara. She's a sassy one, huh?
I can't believe you're only 9 weeks along. For some reason it seems like we've known for longer than that! I hope your first trimester queasiness and exhaustion are letting up. Before you know it you'll be feeling kicks!! Stay healthy, my friend.

That's our girl...that's our sweet big girl. :)

It's crazy to think that she is old enough to be talking and such! Even though she is older than my son and the kid NEVER shushes for a moment (he seriously talks in his sleep all the time)... THREE soon.. can you believe it?!?

She just wants to help out.

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    What can anyone do to me?"
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