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January 21, 2011


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Glad that you're feeling better! This post encouraged me about making do with what we have, and not complaining about what we don't.

Wow! You guys are organized and in control! It's awesome that you seem to have things planned out and settled. Good for you!

I'm so glad things are looking up. You guys are amazing.

Wish I could say I was finding my "bright side of...." outlook as you so eloquently expressed here, but so not there yet myself. NKOTB tribute band CD -- almost wet myself from laughing when I read that. And I really do identify...as I passed up a sexy silver Coach handbag (crying a little on the inside) at the factory outlet just last week. Again, I gotta say it's no fun pretending to be an adult, most days!

So glad things are looking up. I can get so down about our living and school situation but ultimately I know we are lucky in many respects- sometimes it's hard to remember that though.
Rowan and Keaton started sharing a room when they were 3.5 and 1. I was really nervous about it but it's worked out REALLY great. Hearing their giggling voices after we say goodnight to them is one of the best parts of our day and the gender thing has been a complete non-issue even at 5.5 and 3.

It is awesome and inspiring that you do not live beyond your means. So many people don't have the guts to say they can't afford preschool/SUV/fancy toys/whatever and just go into debt to save face. Ridiculous. I wish everyone was as honest and open as you are!

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I've always admired that you have such a very "real" outlook on life. It's hard to look at everything you want, but don't need, and decide to go with what you have already. :)

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    What can anyone do to me?"
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