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February 15, 2011


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My third is three months old and I am four pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight. What's helping me right now is that swimsuit season is oh-so-close here in Texas and those four pounds are the difference between being able to wear mine from last year or having to buy a new, larger one in defeat! Sounds like you're well on your way to NOT doing what I did (allowing myself to eat too much because hey, this is my LAST pregnancy) so you should have an easier time losing it than me too!

Good luck! I'm glad you are feeling so much better now. So far I'm not feeling super sick (although exhausted yes) so I have the same hopes you did. But we'll see.
I'm sure you'll get going again after your baby boy is here! You've done really well before! One thing at a time :)

I stopped running at 20 weeks and from then on it was hikes and walks and yoga. Whatever feels good, do it, and don't beat yourself up! This is only a 20 week period in a long lifetime, and your last pregnancy, right?!

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