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March 03, 2011


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What a wonderful new banner by our favorite artist. The three (four) of you are characterized very nicely.

I wish you much serenity. :)

So does Luke ever do freelance work and create banners for others?? :-) My husband is also a writer and REALLY needs something better for his blog.

Oh and I LOVE the new banner and have "Liked" you on facebook. If you would like to check out what a fellow Hoosier writer is up to my husband's facebook fan page is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/What-are-you-looking-at/101535989928260?sk=wall#!/pages/Gabriel-Beyers/197440826952772 and his blog (the one we need a better banner for) is http://gabrielbeyers.blogspot.com/

The new banner is fantastic! I'm going to fan you on Facebook right now.

I don't know tons about google, but I was with BlogHer for a while and I really liked them. You can pick what type of content is allowed to be advertised (I think I've read of health-conscious folks banning fast food ads, stuff like that) They're also really personal...when my posting dropped off, an actual human being reached out to me to make sure everything was ok. It was a nice touch.

Love the new banner. I agree, Luke should be in there too.

I LOVED the last banner. Seriously made me smile every time I saw it! This one is awesome too! Your hubby is very talented!

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

    "The best way out is always through."
    - Robert Frost

    "Breathe, pray, be kind, stop grabbing."
    - Anne Lamott

    "Mere completion is a rather honorable achievement in its own right."
    - Liz Gilbert

    "When we tell our stories,
    we change the world."
    - Brené Brown