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April 28, 2011


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Great plans and you look great in that cute top.

I'm tempted to get pregnant again just so I can wear that skirt. :)

Also, you are entering the phase of pregnancy where in my experience staring at the ceiling is the only level of effort I can manage. So I'm impressed you have the pep to bang out this post!

Great post! It was an epiphany to me to realize that I have, in fact, ALWAYS figured things out - that's there's no way I'll ever be certain of the *exact right* thing to do (parenting-wise or other), but that so far I'm 100% in figuring out workable solutions. You've got your solution worked out as of this moment (of course!), and you will work out a new solution when Baby Brother comes along (of course!). Miss you!

I think you look beautiful. Your pretty baby belly looks smaller than with the first 2. But still looks cute and round as it should. You look slim and except for the belly you don't look like you have put on any weight. It sounds like you have it all together. I am so excited to see the newest member of the family.

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