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May 17, 2011


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I think you look great! I am sure your picture is not as bad as you think! We can be so hard on ourselves!

It is fun to watch your little one thrive in "school." My daughter goes to a base child development center. I love that she is excited to go. I even had a conference with the teacher, which went well. One thing that made me proud was she sticks up for her rights and the rights of others. Made me proud because she is an only child and I have always been afraid she will have only child syndrome like her dad.

Best of luck!

Every thing looks good to me. The thoughts are well thought out. Life is moving ahead at a fine pace. Love abounds.

Luke is just starting to feel like himself? Holy hell! I've been trying to talk andy into it with "it's no big deal, you'll hardly feel a thing"...I may need to back off that line of reasoning if I don't want major resentment later :)

I'm so happy things are going well, and that you're almost done being pregnant FOREVER! WOOHOO!

You look fantastic! I am already missing all the things (except the pants that button... I am wearing maternity pants for the rest of my life) on your list and I still have 17 weeks to go. Lordy.

You look great! I have found sitting in a big (recliner) chair works well. I can put the kinds on my hips kind of. AJU6 is funny hen he tries to find a spot in the middle though - he keeps trying to adjust thinking he is not "sitting right."

Good luck on the last few weeks of the pregnancy!

I just wanted to say that I was in the same boat you were with the whole snip-snip thing. We were sure we were done, I was sure I NEVER, EVER, EVER wanted to be preggo again, I kept pushing John to get it done. But from the minute he told me until after he got it done, I had that same pit in my stomach. How funny to be so sure about something and then question it! But like you, afterwards I was good, and I'm still good (John had it done on Good Friday, so close to the same time as Luke). I often test myself with thinking about never being in the hospital delivering a baby again, and thankfully, I pass - mostly because the 4 kids I have right now ARE ALL THAT I COULD POSSIBLY HANDLE!!! :) It was good reading that someone else felt the same way I did...thank you!

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    What can anyone do to me?"
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