Thirty-six weeks. One more until full-term. Though, judging by the size of Baby Brother's man-cave, you might assume that either it's going to be any day now! or I'm already overdue. As does half of Indianapolis.
When I was at this same point with Kara (picture here) (stats here), I had gained 27 pounds; with Nathan, I was around 26 pounds, and by my 37-week appointment I had registered a nine-pound gain and was being monitored by my ob/gyn for HELLP syndrome. This morning, I only weighed 15 pounds heavier than the day I took my positive pregnancy test in October. I'm sure before the baby is born that there will be additional junk on my trunk, but right now I'm in awe. For a while I was crediting this to eating better and being on my feet more because of the kids, but now I'm starting to think the real reason was a terribly difficult first trimester where I lost a ton of weight and a conversative second trimester, food wise, spent gaining that weight back. Will this have an impact on Baby Brother's size? Is my habit of delivering large newborns a thing of the past? Only time will tell.
I've been told by complete strangers with total confidence that the baby is sitting high AND that he's clearly dropped, in the same day even, so, opinions and @$$holes and all that, but I'm inclined to agree with the latter. I'm feeling increased pressure in my pelvis lately; that combined with frequent (yet random) contractions have me shuffling around at a snail's pace. Meanwhile, Baby Brother's movements are more violent than ever; sometimes it's cute, and his level of activity does keep me from worrying about anything being wrong with him, but mostly it's uncomfortable, even downright painful, and overall these last few weeks of pregnancy have reduced me to a tired, weepy, anxious mess. Luke is a saint for putting up with me, because in addition to voicing my various aches and pains, I also can't shut up about all the things we still need to do, even though it's clear that he will be the one doing most of them, but he takes everything in stride and does his best to accommodate my wishes. It's almost like he's done this before!
Kara and Nathan are starting to grasp that Baby Brother's arrival is near as we talk more about what things will be like once he comes home. On my last entry, Molly asked a great question about how we plan to explain my c-section, but because they are still so little, and because because Kara is easily frightened these days by what she doesn't understand, Luke and I are keeping things simple. So far, our talk track has been that Daddy will take Mommy to the hospital so the doctor can take the baby out of my belly, and that satisfies them just fine. At this point, we don't feel the need to mention the surgical aspect of it; me just having the baby is enough reason for them to be gentle around my abdominal area for a few weeks. We can provide more information as they get older and/or ask more questions.
Right now, though, Kara seems more preoccupied with when the baby is coming out. On Saturday, I ran some errands, and the minute I returned, she asked if the baby was still in my belly. Monday, I went to the dentist to repair a cracked tooth, and when I got home, same thing. It's fascinating to watch your children's minds at work as they attempt to make sense of the world around them.
Truly, though, I love answering their questions, even when those questions lead me down roads untraveled. Like on Monday, when Kara was playing with our toy kitchen and she talked about coffee coming out of her breasts. (!!!) I think I know what happened; at dinner we were talking about the different ways that babies eat, and how in the beginning Baby Brother won't need solid food, just special baby milk, and he'll get that milk by drinking it from Mommy's breasts or by Mommy and Daddy getting it from the store. Maybe she thought other kinds of drinks were also accessible through Thelma and Louise? I couldn't tell. In any event, it was a conversation for the baby books, that's for sure - that, and her referring to nipples as "bristles." Be still, my heart.
Bristles. OMG. Adorable :)
You look amazing.
Posted by: Jen | June 08, 2011 at 01:06 PM
I love that you just referred to your boobs as "Thelma and Louise" for a variety of reasons. [Total aside: Did yo uknow it's the 20th anniversary of the movie's release? I remember seeing it in the theater with my mother during our girl's only northeast "college tour" when I was a high school junior. Man, I'm old.
I know the nesting thing is strong, but try to kick back and relax. All that babe's gonna need is a place to sleep, diaper, food, and you. Treat yourself to a manicure instead of worrying about baby swings or whatevs. :)
Posted by: Must Be Mom | June 08, 2011 at 01:16 PM
I adore the fact that you referred to your uterus as a "man cave." And "bristles." HA! I wish I could get coffee out of my girls. It would save so much time and money.
You look great! Cute shirt, by the way. I'm so excited his arrival is so close!
Posted by: Jen L. | June 08, 2011 at 01:37 PM
That's adorable. Men truly would never leave women's breasts alone if they produced coffee!
Posted by: Parsing Nonsense | June 08, 2011 at 02:03 PM
Kara is so innocent and adorable. Bristles. Love it.
You're looking amazing and I hope that if (when) we have a third baby I might look so good! Hang in there... almost there!
Posted by: Kelly | June 08, 2011 at 02:38 PM
You look fantastic! And I love that people told you the baby was sitting high AND low on the same day! Very VERY cute shirt by the way!
Posted by: Bren | June 08, 2011 at 03:43 PM
You look great! I wish I could say the same thing about my weight, but I am higher than I have been with the other two at this point, probably for the exact opposite reason that you suspect. MS wasn't as bad as it was with the other two, so I think I gained more faster... We will see tomorrow if I am still climbing like crazy!
AJU5 keeps asking if the baby is ready to get out. I explain to her that now, it isn't big enough and we have a long time to go, but I don't think she totally gets in (and AJU6 has no clue what is about to happen I think).
Good luck!
Posted by: AJU5's Mom | June 08, 2011 at 04:07 PM
Man cave. Ha! My daughter told someone that one breast had white milk and the other had chocolate :) They will say anything.I often wish the ground would provide a hole for me to crawl in. It doesn't stop when they get older either.
You look great by the way!
Posted by: Erica | June 08, 2011 at 04:24 PM
You look GREAT! *I'm* getting excited to meet baby brother!
And boob coffee would come in handy those first few weeks- Kara's the best.
Posted by: rkmama | June 08, 2011 at 07:58 PM
That Kara is always thinking. And one of delightful aspects of small children is that they do think out loud so you can hear what they are thinking. :)
Posted by: Grandma Molly | June 08, 2011 at 08:19 PM
And, you do look very fit and pretty in the blue top.
Posted by: Grandma Molly | June 08, 2011 at 08:20 PM
Hahahaha, coffee from the breasts, too cute!
I love your shirt! I will need to find a cute shirt like that for my next pregnancy.
Posted by: Erica | June 08, 2011 at 08:52 PM
She is always thinking. What a fine mind she has on her shoulders!
Big or small we love them ALL.
Posted by: daddyd | June 08, 2011 at 08:59 PM
There are many things that it would be convenient to have produced by breasts...Kara may be on to something!
You look fantastic. And so confident! And glowing!
Posted by: eva | June 08, 2011 at 11:01 PM
In my house, the "bristles" are referred to as "piffles". Kids are so awesome without even trying :)
Posted by: Cluelessmom | June 14, 2011 at 03:03 PM