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December 28, 2011


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What a fantastic post. (I know you have three babies and all, but good grief, I miss your words.) I"m so glad your in-laws were able to help out when you needed someone. It IS hard to ask for help. I think my biggest fear is that I"ll ask and no one will step up. I should really know better, particularly after watching my mom go through a kidney transplant with a living donor. That experience showed just how wonderful people can be and how much we can care about each other. Like you said, I think we all just have to find the capacity within ourselves to accept help.

Wonderful post. I'm glad you've come out on the other side. Gallbladder pain is horrible.

I'm so glad you have family available to lend a hand when you need it. We all definitely need a little help from time to time. If not for my family I don't know where I would be!

I totally understand your reference to being the oldest-child people-pleaser. We are programmed to do exactly what you did. On another note, maybe you could send a nice card or handwritten note to your Mom letting her know how sorry you are for her loss. Don't be sorry for not attending the funeral, but let her know that you recognize her loss and it's important to you.

(I bought Kevin Leman's "The Birth Order Book" as a Christmas gift to our family last month. We're having a ball reading it.)

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    What can anyone do to me?"
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