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January 10, 2012


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And you still look 15.......well maybe 24.

A ratty pair of Sauconys show far more character and accomplishment than any posh handbag!! Most people can't even say the name Saucony!

Is it a sign that I don't even have kids (yet) and I already struggle with feeling more frumpy than the next gal? I know I can fix it if I would just trade my yoga pants for some form-fitting jeans and a cute sweater, but laziness and comfort gets the best of me, every time.


Sounds like a pretty good day!

Here is to you getting your every wish for 32.

Don't feel less than by the put together Mom. She was probably thinking the same about you. Be proud of the Mom you are!

You're gonna rock 32!

32 is a very favorite number of mine. It is yours at this age. The best of everything.

Happy 32!! I'm just a few months behind you and also have a child who likes to remind me that he just turned five and he will be going into Kindergarten and that makes him a big boy thank you very much!! :-)

Enjoy it!!

Happy birthday again!

Just so you know, I have experiences with Posh Handbag Moms every freakin day at daycare drop off and/or pick up. The ones who work from home look fabulous in lululemon, the office types have great long legs in gorgeous boots, they all wear make up...I always feel like the class frump!

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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