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May 10, 2012


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Love this post, friend.

I am chasing down whatever my intuition draws me to. Right now it is poetry. I finally get it, appreciate it, want to climb in and live in it. I'm so excited for you in your quest to put yourself in action! You have so much talent and goodness about you. Indeed the slower times, personally, have to be when our kids are being born/little, because they need so much of us and we prioritize them. But I keep trying to find ways to sneak it into my days-- all of this learning and self-expression. On some very basic level that mom was right, that it is admirable to raise smart, healthy kids. But because we teach who we are, we need to go through the (lifelong) process of developing who we are, and appreciating ourselves, so that our kids will know to do the same.

Man, you're on fire! I love how passionate you sound about this.

With two toddlers and a newborn, I'm struggling just a bit with basic things like brushing my teeth and showering.

There is so much I would like to do, but personally and for the greater good, but for now, I'm having to let others (like you!!) be the leaders. But someday...

Beth: You are exactly where you need to be! This post was not intended to make anyone feel like they are doing less than someone else - and it's not like I'm going on an overseas mission trip or anything even remotely remarkable. Really I'm just brainstorming to see where I fit in my community, where that might lead down the road, and how/where I can give a little of my time. Definitely a "baby steps" process, since my kids are still very little and my main priority is to spend time with them.

In class last week, our pastor actually talked about how everyone's mission looks different based on where they are in their lives - sometimes you can give more, sometimes less, and sometimes it's gift enough just to survive the day. I should have addressed that, but I was already having a hard enough time reining in this topic. I'll do better next time - just bear with me!

Personally, I think the coolest thing about this post is the link to Jerry Maguire's mission statement. It took, like, 20 minutes, but I read the whole thing. Love!

The Pastor's part about different levels of giving is right on the mark. In doing life's projects/actions/events, the main thing is "It's not about time, it's priorities."
Making those choices is many times harder than doing the work required by the first choice.

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Anne Lamott

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    - Brené Brown