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June 28, 2012


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What a beautiful family.

Answering email. I identify with that statement more than I'd like to.

This is gorgeous writing, Bree.

(Do you want to borrow "Neverwhere" by Gaiman?)

A phrase I've recently picked up thanks not to Dr. Seuss but Evil Skippy at Work (he's a trainer who blogs about workplace issues) is 'being handed a weasel' - something that isn't immediately relevant to the issue at hand and deliberately distracts from it.

For me it's those last minute before bedtime requests from LO that aren't anything more than an attempt to not go to bed.

They might be first world problems, but they still exist, don't they? What else can we do but just keep trying to move on to the greater goal?!

Wise thoughts as always. I especially like your conclusion. "It's scary when you're not reaching your mountain as quickly as you'd like, but also oddly refreshing, because it means the little things matter. We can't reach big without the small."

Oh my this was wonderful. Thanks, I needed that. I have missed you. Also,you have a beautiful family. Growing up so fast.

Another good job of writing. Each moment of time is the start of the next moment of time. The past and the future move through the present. But, we all need to do our best in directing that process. Just looking and knowing, the family of five is on the forward positive path.

What a gorgeous family portrait! How'd you get everyone to smile at once?!

I respect that you're always reaching and aspiring. You're almost never complacent, and that's an admirable quality.

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

    "The best way out is always through."
    - Robert Frost

    "Breathe, pray, be kind, stop grabbing."
    - Anne Lamott

    "Mere completion is a rather honorable achievement in its own right."
    - Liz Gilbert

    "When we tell our stories,
    we change the world."
    - Brené Brown