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August 22, 2012


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YES! OMG I listen to Nelson in the car, too! See, there's a reason we're friends.

Anyway, I'm glad your boobies are healthy and I will be first in line to buy your book. You go with your bad self.

So awesome!


I rarely comment here, but have read for a long time and just want to say "YES!". I know you said non-fiction, but I little part of me was hoping it would be some sort of TLF [one of my favorite reads ever].
Either way - super excited for you.

P.S. I am not really the 14 year old I sound like in this comment.

No, the Nathan talk was handled very well. It could not have work out any better. He is a thinker and wants to know what is happening and what will happen in the future. The book writing will happen, but it is not like you have not been busy ... College (2 degrees), job. family of five, and self.

The older 'lil Frema is rather adorable too, and I am delighted that she is healthy. A friend of ours is writing a book too, and he recommends the software, Scrivener, http://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.php , to help organize your writing.

I can't really think about death let alone talk about it without hyperventilating so it sounds like you handled it much better than I will.

So excited you're writing a book! Can't wait to buy it and read it!

You mentioned above that you didn’t handle the small one correctly, but I think anyone in that place would have been really confused. I want to congratulate on your book and hope you write more stuff.

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Anne Lamott

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    - Liz Gilbert

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    we change the world."
    - Brené Brown