AGREED, Bob Schieffer’s mom.
I waited an hour and fifteen minutes to get my sticker, and the coffee in my thermos was iced by the time I was done, but of course First World Problems pale in comparison to having the privilege to vote.
Becoming a mother, getting more involved in our community, experiencing drastic ebbs and flows in our financial situation over the last few years - all of these factors have my stomach in knots over this election. This was the first year I watched all three presidential debates, donated to my party, and reviewed my ballot before hitting the polls. And there are still miles to go when it comes to my becoming and staying an informed citizen on issues that don't garner media attention. I want to make an impact in the areas that are most important to me, but with my current schedule and resources, to say nothing of the fact that politics intimidate the hell out of me, I'm not sure where to start.
Though, I suppose just voting is good enough for now.
The 18-plus crowd wasn't the only demographic engaged in democracy today. This morning, Kara's pre-K class held a presidential election of their very own.
Voting consisted of placing a smiley face sticker next to "the man on the top" or "the man on the bottom."
Kara voted for "the right person. President Obama."
No prompting, I swear.
It was a close race, but in the end, the man on top emerged victorious, thanks to one smiley. Maybe it was Kara's.
My class voted too today. Obama won too. It was a close 13 to 10. My class has never been wrong in the other elections, so I hope they are right this year! The other teachers that I talked to today said Obama won.
Posted by: Kim | November 06, 2012 at 06:52 PM
I am with Kara and Kim's class.
Posted by: Molly | November 06, 2012 at 07:11 PM
Keaton also voted for the "right person" in his pre-k election ;). Way to go, Kara!
Posted by: rkmama | November 06, 2012 at 08:05 PM
The vote function is not hard. Just vote your heart and your pocket book. Kara did ...
Posted by: daddyd | November 06, 2012 at 08:15 PM
Way to go waiting an hour and a half to vote - that is dedication to democracy!! I have never waited more than maybe...10 minutes? I am so impressed with America tonight! And with Kara's preschool class:)
Posted by: eva | November 07, 2012 at 12:19 AM