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November 30, 2012


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Glad you found that you had what you needed close to you. It is always hard to ask for help.

Help is all around. Just like love is all around.

When we moved to our quaint lil grayslake town I was working and pregnant with Christian. What I did to meet people I'm my subdivison was made a bunco group. We added more women as years went on but we absolutely have each other to count on. We are a close knit group and take care of each other. We go on girls trips, shows, cooking class.... Whatever. The point is I made lifelong friends that I may have never met had I not taken the 1st step and insisted we make it a monthly girls night. I know this was a long response but I want you to know that your lifelong friends are out there, now go find them! Xoxox AD

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

    "The best way out is always through."
    - Robert Frost

    "Breathe, pray, be kind, stop grabbing."
    - Anne Lamott

    "Mere completion is a rather honorable achievement in its own right."
    - Liz Gilbert

    "When we tell our stories,
    we change the world."
    - Brené Brown