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April 17, 2013


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*sniff*sniff* awww, that lunch tray just kills me! And Kara with her shades tucked into her shirt, all grown-up-like. Yikes! It really does happen so fast, doesn't it?!

What? Wait! Kara is going to kindergarten?! Wasn't she just born a couple of years ago? la la la la, I can't hear you!

I didn't think I'd have a reaction to Keaton's Kindergarten open house. After all, he's number 2- I know I love his school and teacher and he's very ready- but when I saw how small he looked in that big classroom the tears came so suddenly I had to scramble to wipe them away before anyone could see. I sneaked in his room for an extra hug after bedtime that night and was very thankful I have another few months before I have to send him off.

"...but she does like her Girl Scouts pencil." But then, after all she is her mother's girl.

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